Chapter 3

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Heya guys hope ur all okay, sorry for lack of updates a lot has happened like I'm now a single Pringle and proud, anyway hope u guys like this chapter

Love you all


As soon as we reached my house, Liam parked the car and then came to my side and helped me out because I was feeling weak all day after this morning.

"Is your mum or dad home yet" Liam asked

"No there still at work until 9 tonight" I replied

"I can only stay until 6 tonight" Liam told me as we stepped into my house, me closing the door behind us.

"Where are those tablets" Liam asked

"Mum puts them on the side in a little basket" I told him before going into the living room and lying on the sofa.

"I thought you only take two medicines" Liam questioned as he came in the room.

"I did but I received new medicines this week" I told him as he handed me the basket.

"I thought we agreed to no more secrets" Liam hurtfully replied

"I'm trying to protect you Liam, you don't need to know everything about me just because Louis told you, I bet our relationship is just pity" I snapped

"Is that what you really think of our relationship" Liam asked very hurt and I wanted to say no but I couldn't, something inside me just wouldn't let me

"Yes I do think that" I replied

"Well I guess we're over then" Liam replied before leaving my house slamming the door behind him.

'What on earth has just happened' I thought to myself as I stood up and put the basket back and went to bed, falling asleep straight away.

"Niall get up love, you have school" Mum shook me awake.

"I'm not going mum, I don't feel well" I replied as I turned to face her.

"What's wrong" Mum asked

"I have a headache and feel weak" I told her as she nodded

"Okay hun, we'll leave you to sleep but remember to take your tablets" Mum told me before leaving to go to work like they both always do.

'What happened yesterday' I thought to myself as I looked on my phone to see a text of Louis

Hi mate,

Liam told us all what happened and he's really upset about it, hope your okay, see you tomorrow at school

The text was from last night so I decided I'm not going to reply until after lunch because I'm so tired so I placed my phone onto my bedside table and went back to sleep.


"Li, I'm sorry" I said as I hugged him

"Well I'm not Niall, breaking up with you is the best thing that's happened to me" Liam replied before started pushing me and beating me up

"No, please no" I replied

Dream over

I woke up with a startle.

'It was only a dream' I thought to myself as I sat up and went over to my computer deciding to listen to another tape


Tape 3

So the next tape is for you Sia, I bet your wondering why you're on the tapes well I hope to god you know because I'm not going into detail.

You know the part on Hermione's tape where I said about something had happened to me, and Hermione watched it, well it was that Sia had rapped me.

Yes you heard it Sia had raped me and Hemione was there watching it and watching me beg not for it.

Sia, Harry warned me not to go near you but I didn't listen did i? No I guess it was all my fault.

I should have listened to Harry but I didn't!

Is that what you do to boys, you make them feel like crap and then you rape them, well let me tell you this you are so messed up in the head.

I should have told someone but I thought maybe Hermione might off told someone about it.

Shall we start with how I ended up at the party.

I was sat with Harry when you came over Sia

"Hiya Zayn, I'm throwing a party at my house for the end of school term and I was wondering if you was able to make it" You asked

"Sure what time" I asked

"9:30" You replied before leaving

"I'd be careful what your doing there" Harry warned me and I really should have listened to him but I didn't.

But karma will come and get you hun


Once the tape was finished I sat there in shocked at what I heard.

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