Chapter 8

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Niall's point of view

"Niall get back here right now and take your medicine" Mum shouted as I walked out the door, ignoring her well that was until she dragged me by my collar into the house and forced a load of medicine down my neck before holding my mouth shut until my eyes slowly closed.

"You deserve this Niall" Mum told me as I saw the light

I woke up to someone shaking me and calling my name

"Come on Ni, wake up bud" Shawn called

"What happened" I asked once I was fully awake

"You were having a nightmare" Shawn sadly smiled

"What time is it?" I asked feeling guilty

"6am" Shawn replied as I started apologising for waking him up

"Bud it wasn't your fault now, do you want to talk about it" Shawn questioned

"Mum killed me with my pills" I breathed out

"She can't do that now Ni, you're safe with us bud" Shawn reassured me as he pulled me into a hug

"Thank you Shawn" I replied

"No problem Ni, I do have a question though" Shawn replied as I nodded for him to carry on

"Why do you cut" Shawn questioned

"I don't want to talk about it," I replied as he nodded understanding why

"Are you scared about meeting you counsellor today and yeah mum told me" Shawn admitted as I thought about it

"Yeah I am actually" I honestly replied

"You don't have to worry Ni, they are only there to help you cope with whatever you are going through, please just listen if you don't want to talk to them" Shawn pleaded as I nodded

"How is you and Liam now" Shawn asked

"Good I think" I replied

"That's good, never let him go" Shawn smiled

"I won't" I smiled back as Mrs Mendes walked in the room

"Morning boys, what you doing up" Mrs M asked

"Couldn't sleep anymore"Shawn told his mum as she nodded

"Right you have school Shawn and me and you have your first counselling session Niall" Mrs M smiled as we both sighed

"Can you give Niall a hand getting up and ready please Shawn" Mrs M asked as Shawn nodded before she left again

"You really don't need to help me, I'm capable of dressing myself" I replied as I slowly stood up.

"Okay you go and get ready in the bathroom" Shawn smiled as I nodded grabbing my clothes off Shawn and going into the bathroom

Now you can all tell what I did next before getting dressed, Of course I made sure I cleaned up after myself

"Ni, you done I need a wee" Shawn asked as he knocked on the door

"Yeah" I smiled as I checked one last time before flushing the toilet and opening the door

"Sorry bro, I kinda stunk it out" I laughed as Shawn pulled a face

"Your not joking either" Shawn laughed before going into the bathroom

"I'm going downstairs" I called Shawn as I grabbed my bag and went downstairs

"Morning Niall, did Shawn help you" Mrs M asked

"Yeah he did Mrs M, when do I meet the school counsellor" I asked

"On Monday" Mrs M told me

"So in two days" I replied as she nodded

"Yeah but you have a check up with the doctor later so if he says not yet then we'll move it" Mrs M replied

"Ok" I replied as I started eating my breakfast

"Morning mum, what we are doing today" Shawn asked as he sat down eating his breakfast

"Well you have school and Niall and I have a counsellor session then he has a check up and then I have to pick you up and grab some work" Mrs M rambled on as we both looked at each other smiling

"Okay mum" Shawn replied

"Right you both get in the car while I grab what I need" Mrs M told us as we nodded and stood up before going to the car

"Remember what I told you Ni" Shawn smiled as Mrs M climbed into the car.


"What are you feeling at the moment" Doctor hill asked as I just stared at him, Mrs M was in the room but didn't want to answer that question.

Shawn's point of view

"How's Niall"  Ashton asked

"I'm not sure man he acts fine but you can't believe people's actions, can you?" I sighed as Tony came up

"No you can't" Tony replied

"When is he back in school" Scott asked

"Should be Monday depending on what the doctor says today" I told them

"Anyway let's head to class" Jackson spoke as we all started walking to class when we saw Oscar

"Where is the weakest link" Oscar asked

"Why do you care" Tony questioned

"Just wanted to say hi" Oscar laughed before walking away


"Hey son" Mum smiled as her and Niall came up to the lads and I

"Hey Mrs M, hey Niall" The lads cheered

"Hey lads" Mrs M smiled

"Hey boys" Niall smiled

"When do we get you back at school blondie" Ash asked

"Monday" Niall smiled as all the others cheered

"Where's Liam" Niall asked

"He had practise but he told me to tell you he will text you later" Harry replied

"Right we better get going, see you lads Monday" Mrs M smiled before we all said bye and then left to the car

"How did the session go" I asked

"Ok" Niall replied

Niall's point of view

Once everyone was asleep I decided it was time for the next usb stick

Naughty boy

What a great name for you hey, you like causing shit for people, I mean that's why you have the shortest tape for because you kept spreading shit for me and my friends.

It caused a lot of arguments for ,y friends and I but luckily we figured out what you were doing and you got the beating you deserved.

Once I finished, I put the usb stick away and went to the bathroom to cut again.

"Ni, you okay" Shawn tiredly asked as he knocked on the door

"Yeah just needed the toilet" I replied as I cleaned up before pulling my sleeves down and opening the door

"You sure that's what you were doing" Shawn asked

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