Chapter 12 - Chaos, Fairies

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(A/N: I am including my friends in the story, the reason being is because since we are miles and countries apart, at least in a game/anime/story we mutually love can be together. You can try to guess who they are and their roles in the story. I love mixing up and stirring more chaos. The names I incorporated for them are also referenced from Literary characters and some series I enjoyed watching.)


'Your world is currently not in order, never had been, and never will be unless you do something about it.'

These were the cryptic words Riddle heard whilst standing in the middle of a huge white pristine table–like too abnormally huge it could be owned by a giant. Surrounded by equally towering thick leather-bound books.

Riddle didn't know how he would take this in mind, "I do not understand, what is the meaning of this?" Earlier he went out of control and despite being against the problem he caused himself, he couldn't stop himself from hurting Mary until Grim's fire encased him and the next thing after, he woke up here.

Across the spacious table in the middle of the other books was one slightly ajar, it appeared to have some kind of lock and that lock was broken–oozing through the pages was a black liquid scattering on the part of the table going in the other closed books.

'You and your friends are already saved but there is a limit to what they can do' Again the stranger's voice. 'What can you do? Will you bear witness to this story's fall? Or will you make an ultimate divine move and exchange your light for theirs? For her?'

On his palm, the short prefect saw a floating crystal–it was charcoal black but after being engulfed in blue flames it quickly returned to a pure white.

The crystal gravitated back inside his chest.



Fluttering his eyes open, the first thing Riddle saw was the ceiling of his bedroom next feeling a bit of weight on his side–warm over his forearm.

"Hm?" There she was sleeping and probably didn't know that she ended up holding onto his arm. A frown sculpted on the Heartlabyul Prefect's face–why was she here?

Just as timing had it, Mary stirred to wake and when she sat up there was a reddish mark on her cheek from the odd angle she slept. Riddle thought it looked funny.

Half-lidded green eyes turned to Riddle, "Oh you're–OH! You're awake!" Mary took her hanky out of her skirt pocket and wiped her face for any drool or hair strands.

Riddle found this amusing, watching this girl lose composure and act silly in front of him. "Don't tell me you spent the rest of your Saturday here" It was already dark outside.

"I want to make sure you're okay, you were brought to the infirmary earlier and so far there were no harrowing diagnoses after possessed" Mary explained, she cast her gaze down to her hands.

Possessed? She didn't know what it was called, he thought. "It's called overblot, Alice" Riddle corrected softly, getting off the bed, feeling more refreshed, and that unwanted, irrational brewing anger was also gone. "Overblot is a sickness or whatever, no one really knows how it came about except it occurs when a magician is going under a great deal of stress and negativity at the same time. I'd say it can be similar to being a rabid beast"

Why did it feel good to hear him call me by that nickname? A slight pink blush peppered her cheeks. "Got it, I will make a note of that" And she did have a notebook with her–it was a pink one with floral designs, the pen with it was also pink with red and pink roses. Professor Crewel got it for her.

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