⌜Forgive me!⌝

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I looked up at the Uzui siblings and saw two people in them. Although they were both cocky they both had a heart. Tengen had the same heart and smile as Rengoku...

Y/n...her cocky expression from earlier was gone as she looked at me. I could see my mother in her. Her cloths though might be a bit hard for her to move around in

"Are you alright Tanjiro? I forgot to ask" She said as she smiled so softly at me

I can see why three of the hashira are fighting for her. I'd have no chance if I was interested in her. 

"Yes, I'm alright" As the two upper six demons talked about how many hashiras they've eaten Y/n's expression changed again. That's when I noticed purple skin around her right eye.

"Tanjiro, this battle might be a challenge alright, when ever you need to...please stop fighting and run east until the sun rises alright?" Y/n said placing her hand on my shoulder before kissing my cheek

"I don't want any of you five to die"

"Alright!" Suddenly the female demon started shouting and a flash passed my face

"Zenitsu!!" I yelled looking up

"Leave the maggot woman to me and sleepyhead! You three go defeat that praying mantis! Got that?!"

"What your back" I yelled looking back at Inosuke as he ran off

"Sure thing!"

"I wont let you kill my sister" the male demon in front of us spoke. Y/n moved me to be beside her

The demon in front of us covered his left eye and closed it. I was suddenly attack but Tengen was able to move me in time by throwing me back. Y/n caught me and placed me on the ground before covering us from the other demon's obi

"Tanjiro! Keep up!" Y/n yelled before swiftly moving around the obi as it came crashing down. Despite having such heavy cloths on her movement was on point not one obi had hit her until they changed direction aiming for her

"Tengen!" Y/n yelled out to Tengen as he was still fighting with the male demon

"You can just die!!" Y/n blocked some hits for Tengen as I relaxed a bit only to have to lift my guard when more sashes from above came down


Your POV

I hated this, being so weak. As we moved to an open area Tengen and I rotated going for Gyutaro. I can't believe I'm acknowledging him with a name...

He knocked my katana out of my hand but I grabbed the tip of the blade and waked him in the dick if he had one.

I through my blade in the air and caught it by the hilt getting ready for another attack. Suddenly kunais were coming our direction. I step back, Tengen should get him now. 

Tanjiro flew past my face and also attacked Gyutaro but before both of them could land a hit Gyutaro started making some blood art type shit

I jumped forwards and leaped back with Tanjiro in my arms. Although I wanted to help Tanjiro needed more help than Tengen- wait...were did Gyutaro go?!

Obi started going at Tengen and before I could help him I saw Gyutaro with Hina

"Hinatsuru!" I yelled only to have obi attack me too

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!" Tengen yelled, it was quite the outburst. However I get it...he is yelling out to someone he loves

"Damn it..." I slash the obi while having my eyes on Hinatsuru and Gyutaro. Gyutaro held her face with no care in the world while Hina's eyes held nothing but disgust and fear

I saw Tanjiro moving towards Hinatsuru so I hep him get close to her cause even though I'm a main target I need Hinatsuru safe for her sake, for Makio's sake, for Suma's sake and Tengen's sake



"Please take me Tengen" I begged him as I cried

"You think I wasn't? Come here" He whispered and I walked to him. 

It was night, my marriage arrangements were tomorrow but I wanted nothing more than to get out of this shit hold

My kimono was up to my ankles so it was a bit hard to walk. When I got to Tengen he held me in his arms before leaving out of the window. When we got to a hill I saw all of Tengen's wives

"Oh good, you bought Y/n" Hinatsuru spoke as she quickly came to me and whipped my tears

"Are you alright Y/n?" Suma asked and Makio smacked her away and she hugged me

"It's alright Y/n, your fav Makio is here" I could only cry over my siblings death. Although most of them wanted to kill each other if it was there last resort they seemed to get along for me when they were fighting to say everything was okay


I stood next to Tengen as we were introduced to the hashira and thats when I first saw them...I fell for them almost in an instant. 


I will forever be grateful for the family I have left even if it means risking my life!



3rd POV

Y/n picked up Tanjiro risking it and threw him. The obi cute into her skin. Y/n was soon able to escape and held her neck as an obi had cut her there

Tanjiro had done some weird breathing but he got Hina so she was grateful. As Gyutaro was about to hit Tanjiro, Tengen go there

"Kamado Tanjiro! You have my gratitude!" 

Before Y/n could do anything her throat felt as if it was on fire but she calmed down before smiling as her brother worked with Tanjiro. Y/n turned her head to Zenitsu and Inosuke and saw Inosuke was in a fit of rage

Y/n bounced up to the roof Tengen was on and also went for the neck since all their blades were stuck

"Y/n no!!" However it was too late. Tengen, Gyutaro and Y/n went flying backwards to the ground. Left and right blades were clashing with one another

"If I was in better condition and didn't become cocky maybe we wouldn't we in this mess!" Y/n shouted, Tengen looked at Y/n and laughed 

"Forgive me!"

"I'd never not forgive you!"

Although they worked as a team Y/n wasn't able to help Tengen as his hand was cut off. Y/n gasped only to have something stab her stomach causing her to fall to her knees not being able to stop Gyutaro from stabbing Inosuke 

However. She picked her blade and threw it straight into the neck of Gyutaro sadly only going through not cutting it to drop off. Y/n though dropped to the floor next to her brother




"Tengen meet your sister" Tengen looked down at the baby in his mother's arms, this was the first time he'd seen her mother so happy yet so sad

"What's her name...?" He asked and their mother smiled

"Y/n Uzui" With black hair and identical eyes like her brother 

"She's pretty" Tengen spoke only for their mother to frown

"Too pretty"

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