⌜A Hashira~?⌝

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After I put the bracelet on I admire it before patting Tanjiro's head than picking Nezuko up. I tickle Nezuko's side making her squirm and we both laugh. The sound of Nezuko's laughter filled the room and I was happy holding her


Tanjiro's POV

I watch as Y/n tickled Nezuko and I couldn't help but smile. I'm happy Nezuko is getting accepted into the corpse. However...Y/n did tell me she would only give us one change. I was surprised she didn't kill Nezuko that day 

"Nezuko seems to really like you Y/n"

"I'm glad, really glad" Y/n said looking down at Nezuko. Y/n soon started dancing around with Nezuko in her arms. While humming a very familiar toon. I watch them both as the scent of joy bounced off them both

Y/n suddenly threw Nezuko into the air and I freaked out a bit only for Y/n to catch her and do it again and again. Y/n looks at me and smiled softly at me before holding my hand

"I have something for you" I was confused what she meant but she led me to her room. She opened a draw and she pulled out a sheet of paper

"I heard you singing to Nezuko the other day and I wrote it out. I think my mother sang it to me when I was younger" She said, I look at it and I nodded

"Why did you write it out though...?" I asked

"Well I thought you forgot some lyrics cause you skipped some" She said laughing and I blush from embarrassment 

"Also, you were off tune" She said and I chuckle

"Melody pillar really coming out huh?" She giggled before holding my earrings

"They're beautiful, I hadn't realised until now"

"They were passed down to me by my father" 

"Family treasure?"

"Yeah, do you have one" Her face turned from a smile to a frown and an annoyed look

"I do but one of my brothers has it"

"You have another brother?" I asked and she nodded almost looking stressed

"I had more than five" I looked at her fist as she clenched them, wait she had 

"I'm sorry for your loss"

"Don't be, I saw blinded by my father-" She was about to keep talking but a kakushi walked in 

"Yuki..." Y/n greeted, so this was the swords smith she was talking about

"I need your opinion" Y/n relaxed but I could still smell the rage coming from her 

"I'll be leaving you to it Tanjiro" She said, I couldn't smell rage admitting from her anymore but instead...love? Weird

Her smile was truly genuine. I don't know what got over me but I flopped onto her giving her a big hug

"You're perfect" I said, she really was. She just kissed my forehead before leaving after placing Nezuko down

I wonder what might be troubling her


Your POV

Yoki had noticed I was feeling uneasy so she asked what it was so I told her

"I feel as if a demon will show up tonight..."

"Well, some of our swords smiths have gone missing. Some think they're just working really hard and others think they ran away"

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