⌜Second form, coral bells⌝

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Mitsuri got Nezuko and I had collected Genya. I place him down and asked if he was okay

"I'm fine" I held his hands

"Are you sure?" He nodded and I smiled before dropping his hands



"You're weak"



Why did I remember that now...? I thought touching my head before standing next to Mitsuri

"Let us take care of this" I ordered and Mitsuri nodded with a smile

"Yeah! Y/n and I will look after you three!" I nod

"Yes, so please try get to the main body if possible" I said 

"Mitsuri, lets dance!" I exclaimed before using one hand to hold onto her as she threw me into the air

My heart bet with every step I took. This was the second time fighting an upper moon this year and a higher rank too. Left, right, left, right, on and on. 

"Forth form, mother's secret"


3rd POV

Cuts and slashes were made all over the wooden dragons. Y/n and Mitsuri worked in harmony with each other. Y/n threw her blades in the air before holding Mitsuri's hands. They both spun around only for Y/n to let go and grab her blades in the air

While in the air she sliced one of the dragons. Her heart beat was going faster and she stopped breathing. It got hotter and hotter. As an outline of a mark started appearing it disappeared when a shockwave of sound came her way

She rolled to the ground and one of her ears were ringing while noting could be heard from the other. With her amazing hearing came a price, fragile ear drums. Blood rushed down from her right ear

Y/n look at the blood on her hand and became worried but that wasn't the main this she needed to worry about. It was Mitsuri almost getting hit. Y/n ran over to Mitsuri and the other three got to her before Y/n 

Y/n joined the tackle and they were able to get Mitsuri to snap out of it. Y/n looked down at Mitsuri worried 

"Y/n" Mitsuri said as Y/n helped her up from the ground

Mitsuri saw the pain on Y/n's face and asked

"Are you hurt?" Y/n pointed at the blood running down her neck and Mitsuri covered her mouth


"I'm fine just half deaf" Y/n said pointing to her right ear and she smiled looking proud. Mitsuri froze in shock

"The melody hashira deaf?!" Y/n gave her a thumbs up and they both stood up together 

"I've been holding back..." Mitsuri started, Y/n was paying attention only for her to block one attack

"Nice speech but if you wouldn't mind we got people to defend" Mitsuri looked at Y/n with awe

"So brave~" Mitsuri said before nodding 

"Lets!" Like that both of the female hashiras ran around cutting the dragon here and there.

"Second form, coral bells" Y/n planted her foot on the ground before racing forwards, making tracks in the ground as she dodged the dragon before cutting it after leaping into the air 

Mitsuri came over to Y/n as a dragon was about to inhale her 


"Mmm!" Was all Mitsuri responded with as they parted ways only to meet again cutting the dragon that aimed for the other three

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