⌜Spot on...⌝

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I wake up the next day to see Obanai sleeping next to me on my right and Sanemi on my left. I sit up and see Giyu enter my room

"Morning love" He said before walking to be and kissing my forehead 

"Morning...why are you all here?" I asked standing up with his help

"Well Sanemi didn't want to leave your side since he lost getting to you" He said and I laugh before walking with him to the kitchen 

"I should probably start cooking..." I said almost falling asleep again

"I can cook..." Giyu offered and I look at him

"Really?" I asked with a smile, he nodded before hugging me

"Go freshen up and I'll make breakfast" He said and I sigh into his chest

"Alright...I'll go wake Muichiro first though"

"How about Shinazugawa and Iguro?" He asked

"They can wake themselves up" I said before walking to Muichiro's room. I walk in and see him sleeping. I kneel down and brush some hair out of his face before shaking his shoulders softly

"Muichiro wake up" I called and he slowly opened his eyes. I smile at him and he sat up slowly

"You smell like alcohol" He told me and I nod

"I went drinking last night remember" I told him and he nodded


"Get dressed and stuff, Giyu is cooking"

"Who?" I sigh and laugh a bit

"Still very forgetful I see" I said before kissing his forehead

"I'll get ready now okay?" He nodded and I stand up and walk out of his room to bath

I grab my things I needed before grabbing Kaburamaru who was awake on my futon. He looked at me before wrapping himself around my neck. I enter the water and sigh with pleasure 

I run my hand along the water before leaning my head back. I stated thinking of something or should I say someone...Mitsuri...

Should I tell her...? I scratch my head thinking before getting out of the bath and into my uniform. I leave the bathroom and walk to the dinning room to see everyone there, Muichiro being the only one ready.

"Morning everyone" I said walking to Muichiro and sitting next to him. He leaned his head on my shoulder

I smile softly at him. I look up at Giyu as he placed food on the table

"I made salmon dikon..." Giyu said and I think him for the food. As we began to eat Muichiro sat there

"You not eating?" I asked and he shook his head

"I'm finished...can you make me some...dorayaki?" 

"Sure, after I eat though Mui okay?" He nodded, I hear a meow so I turn to my porch and see Blanket

"Oh baby hey~" I called him and he came over, Kaburamaru instantly slithered on top of my head before jumping onto Obanai making me laugh

"...I want him" Muichiro said picking Blanket up

"When did you get a cat?" Sanemi asked eating

"Giyu gave him to me for my birthday" I said smiling at him before standing up to go make muichiro some food

I start making the dorayaki. It didn't take long but I almost burnt one since I was talking with everyone. Once finished I place the food in front of Muichiro before giving one to Kaburamaru which he inhaled 

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