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Once you was there you saw a shadow you slowly creeped over to the shadow and looked around the corner and and you saw the Golden Bonnie twitching and moaning. Moaning... moaning... ... MOANING. Wait how can a robot moan because that's not how the original purple bonnie I know moaned. Maybe it's just the ventilation. Now where is that blowtorch. You found the blowtorch and Phantom Foxy came out of no where.


"Really bro? Ugh Phantom animatronics these days." You said out loud, shaking your head in disappointment. You grabbed the blowtorch and walked out the room but noticed Golden Bonnie was standing there beside the door twitching then ended up falling to the ground and continues to twitch almost like a seizure. You slowly sidestepped away. Once you couldn't see Golden Bonnie anymore you ran down the halls. Then you saw Brad leaning against the big steel door. "Ah there you are now give me my blowtorch." Brad said. "Here, but don't you think we should I don't know grab that Golden Bonnie thing it twitching up a storm over there." You said aggressively.

"Yeah Go grab that taser in the the Parts and service room and electrocute that robot it will friend it systems causing a force shut down or something like that I don't know. No let me open this door." Brad said trying to focus. You just walked back to your office knowing the electric thing would work from the fact of experience. You sat down in your office chair and notice the desk had papers on it and you never looked at them there was also newspapers hanging up beside you. You grabbed the Newspaper and read.


21 year old man disappears after entering a old abandoned Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Police entered and came back out dramatized no more people has been sent in their sense until the a man named Brad Randall reopened the place a horror attraction and it is said to be open after he hires a special someone. Here is what Brad said.

"Welcome to the new Fazbear Fright Horror Attraction which is indeed to scare you socks with all the scares from history. The Fazbear Fright will be open after I hire a special someone and get rated by the Horror Rates Corporation the attraction will be open from 11:00pm to 6:00am all ages over 13 can enter also I am not responsible for any injures or dismemberment."

"Hey [Name] I have it open and did you like my newspaper review a classic but come on lets see what's in this room." Brad said leaning into the office. "What time is it anyway I bet Kelly is worried sick about me." You said walking. "It's about 7:30ish but you can leave after will look in here." Jeremy said standing down the hall. "Jeremy why are you still wearing that suit?" You asked. "Well its comfy but come on. I see some shadows inside." Jeremy replied. You walked to the room and flicked a switch which caused the lights to flash on. "Whoa all the old animatronics I haven't seen these in like forever." Jeremy said. "Lets turn them on!" Brad said with excitement "What why they could kill us or stuff us... me and you into a suit and why I say just me and you cause Jeremy is already in one. " You said stopping Brad. "Hey! This is my place and you work for me so you do and help with what I tell you to. Now help me turn these suckers on. You too Jeremy." Brad said in a bossy manner. The 3 turned on the animatronics one by one starting with Chica and Bonnie then Freddy but what they notice about Freddy is that his switch was broke.

"I forgot Freddy switch was broke Brad do you have that taser with you?" Jeremy asked. "Here." Brad said and handed Jeremy the taser. Jeremy cranked the taser to max and then tased the metal piece on Freddy's suit which was supposed to be the switch.

"Hi *static* Kids wel-wel -wel- Welcome to Freddy Fazzzzzzzzzbears pizza. I-I *Static please help us Cackle* Am Fred-Fred-Freddy FazBear Hey Bonnie why why don't you say say H-Hi to the Kid-kid-kid Kids." Freddy Glitched out. "O-o-o *Static We must get Revenge Static* Okay Freddy. Hi kids I I I I am You favorite Bunny Buddy friend Bonnie. Bonnie said less Glitchy. "Now now Guy don't for for forget me *Statics we must kill him Static* Hi Kidddddddddddddddddds I am Chiiiiiiiiiiica and I like to Kill Eat Him Pizza. Lets Eat!" Chica said with the most amount of Glitches.

Fazbear Fright It Will Never End (Male X-reader)Where stories live. Discover now