Chapter 137 - 138

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Chapter 137: Cannibalism?

"Call your village chief."

Natsume grabbed a village name and ordered calmly.

"Let me go, please don't kill me!"

The villagers who were caught were so frightened that they didn't hear clearly what Natsume said. They just kept pleading.


Sesshomaru waved his hand, and the light whip drew a deep mark on the ground next to the village name: "Do as Takashi said, otherwise the next whip will hit you."

Don't look at Natsume . He seemed much more affable than Sesshomaru, but his words were obviously not as effective as Sesshomaru's threatening actions. The villager was trembling so much that he was about to fall apart, but he still nodded vigorously to show that he understood.

Natsume let go of the villager and then turned to look at Sesshomaru:

"With you, I become a bad person."

Although it seemed like a complaint, Natsume said it with a smile, so Sesshomaru knew that Natsume actually Didn't care.

"Hmph, a bunch of weak humans."

Sesshomaru snorted coldly and said with disdain. If it weren't for Natsume, he would not have dealt with humans at all. Moreover, Sesshomaru had already made a decision in his heart. When Natsume left again, he would Going back to the Western Kingdom, Natsume's clothes should be made of more precious materials. The cheap clothes of humans are simply not good enough for him!

At the same time, Sesshomaru was also a little annoyed. Why had he ignored the issue of Natsume's clothes for so many years?

"Don't forget that I am also a human being, Sesshomaru."

Natsume glanced at Sesshomaru helplessly. This guy always talked about human beings in front of him, and he didn't seem to regard himself as a human being at all.

In fact, Natsume's truth has been revealed. In Sesshomaru's heart, Natsume is an extremely special existence, so special that even its type is blurred. He has long ignored the fact that Natsume is still a human being.

"Takashi is different."

Sesshomaru said concisely and concisely. He would not say anything nice, but this sentence was enough for Natsume.

"Yes, I am also different to those humans."

Natsume said with some emotion. For ordinary people, I am afraid that a human who walks with monsters will not be recognized by them as the same kind.

"Do you still care about their opinions?"

Sesshomaru looked at Natsume with seemingly casual eyes, but in fact, his expression was very serious. He always felt that Natsume didn't care what those unimportant people thought of him. Did he understand this all along? Wrong?

Is it uncomfortable for Natsume to be with him?

Thinking of this possibility, the aura around Sesshomaru suddenly became cold.

Natsume glanced at Sesshomaru in confusion. What was he thinking about? Why did his mood suddenly become worse? Thinking about the conversation between the two of them before, there was nothing special in it!

Thinking this in his heart, Natsume did not show it. He just answered Sesshomaru's previous question honestly: "Of course I do

n't care, I just said it casually."

This is indeed Natsume's real thought. He has always been a comparison Although lonely people also have a sense of justice, the only people they really care about are those few people who are placed deep in their hearts.

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