Chapter 187 - 188

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Chapter 187 Doubts

Therefore, after Natsume organized his words, he said in an uncertain tone:

"I feel that there was something strange about the attack on us before. Although I don't know much about Xu, there are so many Xu with the same ability. There is always something abnormal when time appears.

Also, don’t you think the IQs of those Hollows are too high? If the Hollows were so smart and organized, it’s hard to say whether the layout of Hueco Mundo and Soul Society would still be what it is now. More

importantly Yes, this is obviously one of the top districts. Even though the route we chose that day was a bit remote, such a fierce battle lasted for such a long time and the Shinigami didn't react at all?" Natsume's words made Ichimaru Gin's face look ugly

. , he is not a stupid person to begin with, or to be more precise, Ichimaru Gin is smarter than most people in the world. He didn't think in that direction before, but now that Natsume mentioned it a little, he immediately figured it out.

——It turns out that the fact that you and Takashi almost died was not accidental and man-made? I really almost found the wrong target for revenge!

It was indeed hateful for Xu to force the two of them into that situation, but what was even more hateful was the mastermind behind the scenes!

No wonder the remaining voids self-destructed inexplicably. I originally thought it was some conspiracy that I didn't expect, but if those voids were really transformed, then the truth of the matter would be much simpler.

Because those are just semi-finished products!

Damn it!

There was a deep murderous intent in Ichimaru Gin's eyes.

Seeing Ichimaru Gin's expression, Natsume knew that she didn't have to worry. At least he would never become the second Hinamori Momo, otherwise Natsume couldn't guarantee whether he could stand such a crazy fan.

With Ichimaru Gin's intelligence, even if he doesn't know that there is a Shinigami like Sosuke Aizen, once he comes into contact with Sosuke Aizen, he will definitely find clues.

Natsume has never doubted Ichimaru Gin's IQ and acumen, even if Aizen Sosuke deceived almost all the Shinigami in Soul Society!

Hatred belongs to hatred. Ichimaru Gin is Ichimaru Gin after all, and hatred has not completely controlled his brain, so he quickly thought of a question that Natsume didn't mention just now.

"Why did we two become the target of attack?"

Ichimaru Gin suppressed the hatred and murderous intention deep in his heart, and began to think rationally: "

Although I don't understand how to transform Xu, I think it will definitely not be simple, especially It is even more difficult to do this while avoiding the eyes of the God of Death.

I wasted so much time and energy, and risked being exposed. In the end, I only used it to deal with us two ordinary drifting souls who are not even the God of Death. Street residents?

The mastermind behind this is not crazy, is he?"

To be honest, this is not only a question for Ichimaru Gin, but also for Natsume. He knows that the mastermind behind the scenes is Sosuke Aizen, but he must have a motive for attacking himself and Ichimaru Gin, right?

Moreover, Aizen Sosuke is probably not the captain yet, and his strength and power are not as high as he later realized, so it is impossible for him to reach out to Rukongai because he does not have the energy.

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