Chapter Sixteen: Siren

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I sat in my office, I was figuring out what our 'battle stratagy' will be like. A knock at the door snapped me out of my thinking. "Come in" I said, the door creeked open revealing Rick. He looked a bit nervous, worried, scared. "Um we- well Vicky found something on her way to training"he said making me listen in closer. "A-a griffen" he mumbled making me shiver, my eyes pooped open wide at the realisation. "Equity!" I said jumping up and hurrying in a fast pace walking speed.

I sped towards the Med House. I ripped the door open and saw Equity in one of the beds. I ran over lookin her up and down. "Why isn't she healing? She's burnt...but from what? She's really injured" I said looking to her, my eyes shot to her right wrist. The bracket was gone. "Where's the bracelet that was on her wrist?" I asked Rick quickly. "She didn't have a bracelet on when we found her" he said making many reasons flood into my mind, like it wasn't crowded enough.

"Ok Will, check her out and try to find out why she's not healing and what the injuries are from, and if there are any struggle marks, report back to me afterwards ok?" I told him starting to walk out the door, he nodded and bent over her still body.

Why is she here? Doesn't she work for Alrawolfa? Can she be trusted?

I shook away my thoughts and kept walking. I walked into my office to see Vicky sitting down. "Good, just who I wnated" I said siting in my chair. "Just a few questions. First of all, Where did you find her? What condition was she in? Was she awake? Did you see anyone, or hear anything else? Was there a gold bracket around her right wirst? And did you do anything to her?" I asked Vicky looked a little irritated but she was loyal and answered.

"Well, I was walking to training ground and I stumbled across her, in her griffin form, a pile of leaves where piled her back so I didn't think it was anything until I moved around her side. I called out for someones help and a few people encluding Rick came out. We took her back to the Med House and she turned back human half way. No she didn't have a bracelet on and no I didn't see anyone else" Vicky ended I sighed slightly and she walked out. "Hey has there been anything on Cory, he's been gone a really long time" I asked her as she was about to close the door, she shook her head saying no but I couldn't get this feeling out of my gut that something was wrong.

I felt warm and comfortable,like when I'm asleep with April in my arms. My eyes fluttered open slowly bringing in the scenery. I was in a hospital bed, it was a plane hospital just boring with a small window bathrrom, bed and a lot of wires. I looked down to my hand to see I was on a drip. I followed the tube to a bag of liquid connected to other tubes. There was a screen with my heart rate and other readings. First of all how long was I asleep and second of all huh?.
I sat up looking around. I saw a note pad on the side I a bed side table. I picked the note pad up to see a hospitsl Crest. "St.Micheals Emergency Hospital" I said to my self quietly. It was my local hospital, public but emergencies.

I heard the door creek open and I saw a woman come in with a tray of food. I smiled, I was so hungry. She opened up the lid and I saw peas, corn, carrot, steak,bacon,tuna salads and mash potatos. I smiled and it felt drool in my mouth.

I thanked the lady and she walked out. Wait, I can't stay here and eat, I have to get outta here, back to the pack, they are probably worried sick about me right now. I thought as I started tiering into my meat. I started to sit up, hanging my legs over the side of the bed. A woman came racing in plonking me back down on the bed. "Sweetheart, you must stay here, you have a concussion and huge glass gashes in your back, we need you to rest for your upcoming operation" she said making me interrupt her "Operation?" I said she nodded. "Yes, we get to see what you really are inside" she finished giggling at her pun and walking out, I definitely wasn't laughing, I'm part dog and that men's my DNA has well dog in it, and if they find out, me and my whole pack are toast.


All i can think of is Calder. My brother is just lying in a Med House ill and weak. He hasn't woke up and I'm getting extremely scarred somethings going to happen. I sat on my bed fiddling with my bracelet i got when i was a kid. Iv never had a bed, technology, a room to myself, a home and a place to call my own. I fall back on my bed tired and cold. I have been really irritable lately, its probably because iv never been out of water for so long. Come to think of it i haven't had a swim for a while, haven't cleaned myself either. I felt so dry and irritated. "Yeah I'm going for a swim" i said to myself jumping up and walking out of the room.

I got to the beach, lucky it was so close. I looked out along the horizon. I wish the sun was here, it has always been nice and warm. I started to walk into the water. Normally about 10 seconds after i hit the water is when i change. I dove under the water feeling the coolness of it. A fuzzy warm feeling came upon my legs making me smile. My tail appeared, a blue shinny one with shimmers of silver.

I was swimming along the the beach, near the shore looking to land. I was swimming more to the forest sides. I was swimming when i heard something, i was on the boarder of Aprils territory. My head popped up form under the water hiding my shoulders down under the dark water just incase who ever it was saw what i was. I saw something moving so i squinted. Males, but not just males, cats. "Oh no!" i said swimming at extreme speed back down the territory and back to the house.

I got out of the water and dried my self quickly with a towel. I ran up into the house. " CATS" i yelled making everyone race from there rooms. "What, what about cats?" Demetre said seeming offended. "I was swimming, i saw male cats running towards the boarder of the territory" i said catching my breath. April straightened up, "Ok lets go see what they want, Will, Vicky you go to the east corner, try to see if theres anyone trying to sneak in" she said heading out with everyone else following behind.

We got out to the forest and not long later Yino got knocked down. "There here" i said. Everyones eyes glowed brightly in the darkness. Yino pounced back up eye shinning yellow. I stood to the side, I'm able to fight,but not very well on land, I'm better at running....away, but I'm still willing to help.

The cats appeared from the trees. A tiger, leopard,cheetah,panther and a lion the alpha. I blinked and my pack had formed into their animals except for Charlotte who stood in full vamp. Charlotte had hatred pouring out of every part of her. Black veins under her eyes, her eyes gone red and grey, she was not to be messed with.

I stood a bit away with Alex by my side. 'What do you want?' i heard April say to the cats. ' We want the banshee and the meres' the alpha(LION) said back. 'NEVER' April growled. 'Well than we will have to get them our selves' he said leaping at her. She moved to the side clawing him ,starting the fight.

I held Alex tightly in my arms, she was scared. I looked up to spot the cats one was missing, the lion...the alpha. I stood up straight and tuned around seeing him. I pushed Alex behind me pinning her against a tree slightly to protect her. "Come with me" he said trying to manipulate me. "NO,NEVER, i stick by my loyalties to April and i will never go to Alrawolfa" i said making him grab my throat. Alex yelped and i screamed, my scream turned into a song. I didn't scream, instead of screaming it was like a sung a note. I freaked out a little but then i felt the hand let go of my neck. I looked up a the guy and he looked weak, he looked like he had just found his mate and she is the most beautiful person ever created. I stumbled back. it turned to the fight and saw all the were-cats weak, but not physically.

"Your a siren" April said to me making me jump. "A-me a siren, but they are deadly meres that lure males in with there songs to kill them and to trick them to working for them and some go as far to eat them" i said to her, trying to remember what my mother had told me. Then i released. Instead of screaming i sung, the males went weak, i am a siren, this is so cool.


My heart started racing a mile an hour. I have to get out, What if my pack is in trouble, what if they need my help , what if-, a woman walked in. She had a mask over her mouth and a needle in her hand. "whats that?" i asked as she walked over to the tubes connecting to my drip. "Oh just an anaesthetic" she said, this was a different nurse from the others. She injected the needle into the entry point for the tube. The dark red liquid slowly injecting in. I took a deep breath in.

I grabbed the tube blocking it off. It didn't smell like anaesthetic. The woman looked at me, i looked right at her eyes in a serious, angry expression. "Thats not anaesthetic" i said, her eyes flashed red.

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