Chapter Twenty Five: Ink And Surprises (Last Chapter)

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A few days passed after the fight. The atmosphere was still full of misery. Today we where doing the funeral for Will and my mum.

When the sun finally came up for the first time in months, it was amazing, everyone was out running around, it was an amazing feeling having the sun warm my face again, but not when it woke you up in the morning. The blue sky was beautiful in the sky and the environment was better. We realised why i was so diffrent after the fight, the physical difference mainly. It was a surprise to all of us when we realised i had wings. FRICKING WHITE ANGEL WINGS. i actually thought it was my imagination, but i could tell that something, someone wanted this to happen. Also seeing Vicky appear riding a dragon and saying that she now owned him...that kinda freaked us out a bit but Sever is actually pretty sweet.

I stood at the cliff, the same cliff. In a thigh length black dress with a red ribbon around my waist, Cory held my hand until it was my time to go up. Each time i said something a tear ran down my face. Its hard loosing so many. I could see below us many merpeople with their dead, there where so many of us gone, and it hurt. All the enemies where burred at the cliff. With the last throw of ashes over the cliff we all headed back to the house. Selina and Amit had promised to join us and be trusted, i wasn't quiet sure but, if they turn we can handle them, we can handle anything.

"Hey, where you going?" Cory asked me as i got a few things into a bag. "Going to...get something for myself, i think its abut time" i said. "Okay" he said, he seemed a bit more up today. I walked past everyone, no one seemed happy. I shut the door on my way out. My stomach churned, i felt like i had just swallowed a bowling ball and now its rolling around in my stomach. I gritted my teeth and kept going, i borrowed Cory's bike and rode off into town.

A few hours later i came back rubbing my arm. I went straight up stairs. "Cory i need to talk to you" i said, "sure what is it babe" he sad sitting down on the bed next to me. "Well first of you like?" i said moving my hand and rolling up my sleeve. "WOW" he said. "A tattoo?" he said. "Yup" i replied. "How?" he said "Focused on not healing and surprisingly it worked" i said. On my bicep was in black a hand print, but the palm of a hand, the fingers now wolf toes with claws, five of them, up in the right corner was the word 'Selfless' in cursive forming around the tips of the claws. "Oh my god, i know what it is" he said. "No shit" i replied. "No, there s a things where powerful alphas such as your self come at a time that they get this feeling, thought or something that gives them this mark, like a symbol for their pack" he said. I thought. "Thats your mark, thats our packs mark" he said.

I smiled. "Thats creepy" i said. "Yeah but it has been confirmed its true" he said. "SO what did you wanna tell me" he asked. "Now, listen, focus on everything in this room, focus on us, and listen carefully" i said, we looked at each other and held hands. His face went wide and bright. "I am" i said. "You are" he replied. "I want to take you somewhere" he said. "Where?" i asked. "Just come" he said.

HE lead me into the forest, i had no idea why and no idea what we where about to do but...still. We walked onto a dirt path, trees curving over head. HE ran into the forest for a second and came out with flowers. "Naw" i said as he passed them to me. "April" he said. I looked at him sweetly. "We both knew this day would come, we both knew that i would do this, so i'm doing it now, get everyone in a better mood" he said, i was really confused but listened. "April Silverwater" he said my heart started racing. He got down on the ground. "Oh my god" i said covering my mouth. He pulled out something rom his pocket. "Oh my god" i said even more high pitched. "Will you marry me?" he asked. "OH MY GOD FUCKING YES" i yelled like crazy, I ran at him a and jumped. He caught me in the air, for the first time in ages i cried, in joy.

I was so excited and happy my eyes started glowing, his reacted to mine as well. "Lets go tell them" i said. We ran back to the house. We flew the door open and everyone stared at us strangely. "EVERYONE GET YOUR BUTTS DON HERE" i said happily. Everyone raced to the lounge room, they all sat in front of us, my sisters, brothers, niece, pack family. "RING" Sindy yelled pointing at my hand. "Oh come on Sindy you just spoiled the first surprise" Cory said. Nearly everyone jumped up screaming in joy. "Ok,ok settle down" i said. when they finally did me and cory looked nervously at each other.


"We have something else to tell you all" Cory said holding my hand. I put my hand on my stomach and said with a shaky breath "We're having twins".


Thank you guys so much for reading my story i cant believe it, there WILL be a third book because i cant leave you all on a cliff hanger like that seriously. But i have already decided the book will be a long time in the future but i will sum things up. SO i hope you enjoyed the second book and aren't to mentally scared and yay. Sorry as usual if any any part of the book there is grammar, punctuation or spelling mistakes, please tell me and i will correct it, thank you.


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