Chapter Seventeen: A Cure For The Mer

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Me? A siren? Who ever thought, they are extremely rare and dangerous but, I'm not dangerous....or at least that I know of.

I was just laying in my bed with music on sleeping. I started to feel pins and needles all over my body, as if I'm starting to fall to sleep but still awake.

I was in some kind of room, Calder was there. I was walking to him, he was still in his bed, unconcious. I went up to him reaching out my hand to touch him. I slightly touched him when he shot up quickly and screamed. His eyes turned Blue. I stepped back realising it wasn't Calder it was his mer. "Culrusoona seprakotan einquaes routaaaarrrr" he said. I had never heard of those words before, it's no language I know of, it's not anything but for some reason I understand what it means. "Faithenwen, the plant that poisons male mers, how did u not think of that"i said seeing light and hearing voices.

I snapped back to reality siting up and screaming the word. "FAITHENWEN" I yelled making the pack run down the hall to me. Will barged through the people. "He ate Faithenwen" I said making his eyes light up.

April looked at him. "I'm guessing that's a bad thing" she said making Will nod frantically. "Ok tell us what we need to do" April said making them all hurry out, I followed.

We all stood around the dining table. Will came back with a notepad, pencil and book. "I red somewhere that male fish, or in our case mer are poisonis to a certain plant called Faithenwen, normally used in medicines to cure pufferfish poison, can be leathel to any male...mer who injests it, leaving them in a coma state until cured or else death will come soon in a matter of.......24 hours" he said pointing to the picture of the flower. "But it's been more than 24hours" Sunny said.

"Well because you guys are merpeople you have stronger healing abilities so it takes longer, by the time I calculate Mabye he has..........a day until the worse" Will said sighing at the end. "Ok what do we need?" I said making him search the book.

"Uh-huh, according to the book it says-
Renacon seaweed, found in the deepest oceans and seas
Vervain flower, don't worry Charlotte we will sign you something different
And we will need a etchin seed, and yes etchin as in a seed from a Lourwit flower covered in cinnamon" he finished making me shiver.

"Sounds like we are making a potion from Harry potter" Charlotte said making people chucke. "Ok Charlotte, Demetre and Maria go get the Etchin,
Sunny you get the seaweed and Me, Yino, Crystal,Emilie and Rick come with me for the Vervain, Vicky you and Alex stay here, look after the house and dogs and the Med house we will be back later" I said rushing out the door.

Her eyes changed red,alpha wolf!

She went to grab my throat but I stopped her, flinging her to the other side of the room pretty much shattering the window. She got up whipping blood if her mouth. I pulled out of my cords and she lunged at me, I moved to the side leaving my leg out making her trip. "But how, your just a lonesome beta" she said going at me again. I moved grabbing her throat and pinning her head to the bed. she struggled as she chocked for breathe. "Oh but what you don't understand is that, I'm a born.....and bitten wolf" I said, her eyes widening. She stunk of fear.

She stared backing up and leaned against a table. She grabbed a scrapple throwing it. It launched right into my left shoulder making me let out a loud screech.

I pulled it out,it healed quick. I grabbed her and held her out the window. "Why are you here?" I said. she shreeked. "WHY ARE YOU HERE?" I yelled in an angry tone. "Alra sent me to finish Equity's job, to weaken April, to make her vulnarable, to kill you" she finished. My head filled with theories quickly distracting me. It was very high up building, bustling traffic below. "Tell me where she is" I said in her ear. "Never, I would rather die" she said I smiled.

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