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1K reads!!! Thank you all so much for getting this story here!

It was on the Quinjet that the awkward silence finally broke.
"So, Clint," Nat began, gesturing to Nico, "are you going to explain to me why you know Nico?"

"Cousin," Clint said at the same time that Nico cut in with, "Boyfriend's brother."
The two stared at each other blankly while Nat squinted at them suspiciously.

"Di Angelo, unless your boyfriend is related to you, which I really hope is not the case," Nat sighed, "I have a feeling one of you is lying to me."

In reality, Nico was technically Clint's uncle in a way, but at the same time also Will's boyfriend and Clint's brother-in-law to be (if all had gone well, of course).

"Boyfriend's brother," Clint admitted, noticing Nico's glare. Hawkeye knew that Nat most likely was aware of Nico's real age, but in case she didn't, Clint decided to play it safe.

Nat was driving the jet, and Clint and Nico were sitting in the back, careful not to give anything away.
The three were heading back to Avenger's headquarters, where Scott and Steve were waiting for them.

"What brought you there, Clint?" Nat asked him, turning her head to face him slightly.

"Where?" Clint asked, nervous.

"Delphi Strawberry Farms. That's a little strange for a rendezvous location if you ask me." Nat's tone sounded like she was not accepting any other answer other than the truth.

"I work there," Nico replied casually.

Nat raised an eyebrow. "You... you work at a strawberry farm?"

"What did you think I was, an assassin?" Nico snorted. His face blanched as he realized what he had just said.

Natasha didn't say anything and Clint almost choked on his breath.

"Nico? An assassin? Puh-lease, Nat, he's the most innocent little kid I know," he laughed.

"I'm an adult," Nico let out a nervous chuckle but eyed Clint out of the corner of his vision. It seemed to say she knows, you idiot.

"Hm, I wouldn't call murdering some of the most wanted criminals in the world innocent," Nat scoffed. "Be honest, Clint. Are you two working together?"

"Hey,"  Nico cut in, "I didn't know Clint was still okay until today."

"That seems to be a common theme," Nat mused.

"Wha- Nat, listen to me. I'm done with that. It was wrong, and I really am sorry. If you want to take me in-" Clint was interrupted.

"I pulled some strings. Help us, and we won't bring you in," Nat narrowed her eyes. She pushed a button on the control panel, and a blue holographic screen popped up in front of Nico and Clint. On the screen, a video clip of Scott, Nat, and Steve's interaction played.

Nico watched in awe as he took in the details. He could bring Hazel back? Percy? Will? His heart rose but then dropped to the pit of his stomach as he thought about what that meant. Going back in time - who'd ever heard of such a thing? Even with Greek magic, the Fates would never allow it.

Clint's eyes were wide. "Laura..." he trailed off.

"We can bring them back. We just need your help." As Nat said this, she sounded sincere.

It felt so real, Nico almost believed her.
"Wait," he started, "what would you have us do?"

"Join our team," she responded.

Clint looked up from the ground. "We're back together?"

Nat pointed down to the Avengers compound as the jet began to land. "We are now."

𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐑 𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐄 ➳ 𝙥𝙟𝙤 // 𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨Where stories live. Discover now