
293 17 5

TW: grief, loss, swearing, depictions of violence / mentions of death

Percy was sick of fighting.

The Battle of Manhattan had been bad.

The Second Giant War had been absolutely terrible.

But this? Percy didn't know what to do. Riptide wouldn't work on any of Thanos' forces, so Percy was forced to grab an old steel sword from the weapons' shed. It was heavier, and not as balanced in his hand, but it would d0.

The moment Percy portaled to Avenger's compound, he was met with the sight of blood and bodies. There was a giant spaceship in the sky as well, which almost made him do a double take. Then, hundreds of people coming out of orange portals on either side of the demigods. He assumed by the way they were slaughtering the aliens that they were their allies.

Annabeth grabbed his hand before he could take a step towards the battle. "Percy. Please stay safe," she whispered desperately.

Percy snorted. "Please, Wise Girl. I've got this! Don't worry!"

"Alright," Annabeth kissed him on the cheek, unconvinced.

"Hey!" Percy complained.

"You'll get a real kiss once we win," she promised.

Percy grinned."Love you."

"Behind you!" Annabeth yelled. She pushed Percy out of the way and drove her dagger through a smaller alien's chest.

Percy gulped. "Thanks, babe."

"Pay more attention," she scolded.

"Sorry," he mumbled, stabbing another alien in the head as it approached him. "So, what's the plan?"

"I'll go find Clint. You start breaking the campers into groups," Annabeth turned on her heel, heading straight into the heart of the battle.
"Got it," Percy nodded. "Stay safe."

Annabeth threw her dagger into two aliens, skewering them both at the same time. "You know I will."

Percy smiled softly. Then he turned to the demigods, who had their weapons ready.
"Greeks! Let's fight stuff!"


If the Fates were toying with Percy, they needed to stop immediately.
Percy had killed over a hundred aliens — he'd lost count — and almost bent the blood of one of them before releasing his grip and calming down. He reminded himself that he promised not to use that dark aspect of his powers anymore — it was too much power for any one demigod. If the gods ever found out, he'd be smited.

But Percy wasn't accustomed to hallucinations. Why did he come to that conclusion?

Because he was currently staring at someone who was dead.


Nico stepped out of the purple portal in the midst of the battlefield, Will following right behind him. He grimaced at his surroundings, though he was all too familiar with the sight of war. Then a shaky voice broke through his trance.

"Nico?" Percy croaked, freezing in his tracks. The son of Poseidon looked like shit. His eyes were rimmed red, hair messy, covered in blood that was likely not his own.

Nico took a deep breath. "I—"

Percy's voice broke. "No. No, no, no, the gods are doing this," Percy squeezed his eyes shut. "Fuck. Fuck! He's dead, Percy. He's dead. They're trying to break you, they're trying to you throw you off..."

Nico's eyes widened pleadingly. "Percy, please! It's me, it's Nico—"

Percy stared at the sky, trembling angrily. "Fates?" he yelled. "Is this a joke? Do you think this is funny? My baby cousin is dead, and you're taking his form—"

"Percy!" Nico shouted, grabbing his cousin's shoulder forcefully. Percy locked eyes with him, tears running down his cheeks.

"Nico..." Percy quivered. "You're... alive?"

Nico punched him in the arm. "Yes, you little shit. Now let's focus on the more pressing matter — the fucking war!"

"But... how..." Percy spluttered. "Hang on, are you twenty now? Are you older than me?!"

Nico smirked. "I've always been older than you, Perce. It's just a matter of biology."

Percy trailed after Nico as the son of Hades slashed down the aliens in his path. Percy frowned. "But Clint said you—"

"Clint still thinks I'm dead," Nico sighed. "I guess I'll have to send out a group email."

"Annabeth went to find him," Percy informed. Then he turned to look at Will who was standing behind Nico sheepishly. "Will! The fuck? I told you to stay at camp!"

"Because I was depressed and suicidal about Nico's death!" Will retorted. "As you can see, my boyfriend is fully alive."

"Fine," Percy grumbled. Then Percy nodded at a big purple alien who was fighting the Avngers. "There's Thanos. We need to kill him."

Nico gritted his teeth together. "He took you from me," Nico growled under his breath, directed at Will.

Will looked determined. "Then let's get that son of a bitch."

𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐑 𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐄 ➳ 𝙥𝙟𝙤 // 𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨Where stories live. Discover now