Chapter 29

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💖Chapter 29💖

Izzy:enough of eating each other, move (she push alec away from magnus)

They three were laying in the green grass, alec in the center folding his hand behind his head, magnus lying on the left side of alec and izzy on right side…

Alec:So you both hide this thing from me…. I felt betrayed (he said kicking izzy's leg)

Izzy:don't be dramatic like magnus… it's not betrayal.. You can call this as fear of losing someone more important in your life.. Besides you are so stupid to be dumb All these years

Alec looks magnus apologetically, and leans to peck his lips but izzy pull them back

Izzy:if you start again… I know you both won't stop… and magnus what about your punishment.. Did you planned about it

Alec:what punishment????

Magnus:yes… I have to think about it izzy…'s for you panda….

Alec looks both of them in confusion

Izzy :you have no idea how many times you made him cry…. So when you were with lara.. I ask magnus to punish you, once you both get together… it's a deal magnus… (she said, patting magnus shoulder) don't fall for your pandas' sweet words and hot looks..

Magnus:laughs at alec) I get it izzy… the deal is the deal..

Alec :hey that's not fair… what kind of punishment is this???

Magnus :I will decide later… (winks at alec)

Alec :if that is the punishment what I think… Then I am in (he pull Magnus by his t shirt)

Magnus:it's nothing like that….. It's revenge.. So don't think anything romantic okay…

Alec :i hate you both (he said annoyingly and left them in the garden )

Izzy :looks at magnus and smiles at him) I am happy for you..

Magnus :I know.. It's written all over your face.. Thank you for being with me…

Izzy :Hoo… don't be sweet with me… I am mad at you.. Now tell me.. How did this miracle happen???

Magnus starts from his medical convocation ➡ Underhill ➡ drunken ➡ dot ➡ fight ➡ I love you ➡ kiss under mistletoe.. Everything is like a fantasy story with a lot of happiness in his face… like a little kid talking about his fav story

Magnus :packed everything???

Alec :mmmmm.. (without looking magnus)

Magnus :take everything and don't complains when we reach our loft(looking alec again)

Alec:mmmm…. (still looking at the floor)

Magnus :what's your problem… you don't want to leave??? Fine don't worry.. we will take day off tomorrow

Alec is still looking at the floor without response…

Magnus lift alecs head by his chin… he can see alec Is upset… on looking those blue eyes

Magnus:Is it because of me????

Alec push his hand away

Magnus :Alexander!!! say something… If it's because of me… I apologize… pls smile

Alec :about that punishment!! (he leave a heavy sigh)

Magnus :why are you taking this so seriously… we were just teasing you…

Alec :look i will take whatever you give me as a punishment but promise me that's doesn't involve1) staying away from me 2)not talking to me 3)breaking up with me.. (he said it in Stern voice)

Magnus :I promise…. It's nothing like you think… (he pull alec for a kiss) do you think I am that strong to do all this (he said holding alec chin firmly)

Alec push magnus hand away and hold his hair firmly by pulling it back

Alec :i am not that soft magnus bane!!! … before all this I don't mind.. Now I love you and I know you love me more so if I found you flirting with someone else or found you planning to leave me behind in the middle.. Then it's gonna be a rough ride for you.. I swear I will kill you

Magnus :ahhhhhhh….. I know how polite you are… now take your hands from my spikes because it took part of my income every time….

On hearing that, Alec chuckled and took his hand from Magnus' head..

Alec :Good boy… you think it's hard to love someone constantly … No!!... The most precious and beautiful feeling in this world was Loved by someone even in your up and downs… you love me like that for years but you refuse to give that happiness to me… so I am the one should punish you (he said pulling magnus by this collar)

Magnus :I get it.. I'm sorry …I admit all my reasons…. it's getting late!!shall we go… (Placing pecks on alecs chin)

Alec :mmmmm….(he said smiling at magnus who is Adjusting his hair)

Magnus :fuck that "mmmmm" (he said annoyingly making alec laugh and pull him for a hug) 

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