Chapter 38

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💖Chapter 38💖

After some time everyone gets back to their respective tents.. Izzy stops alec, alec gestures magnus to go, magnus is too sleepy to listen to alec words so he rushes to the tent and he falls on that little mattress and goes half way through sleep..

Alec:What is it??? (adjusting izzy's hair)

Izzy:did you and magnus have… ummm…. (before she could finish)

Alec :sex??? No!!! (he said disappointedly)

Izzy :I know!! I can feel this tension between you too…. What are you both waiting for??? Do you don't want to??? (she asked hesitantly)

Alec :no izzy i'm not the one stopping us…

. It's magnus!!! I think he didn't trust me enough.. He still think it's a fling (he said looking away)

Izzy :you are just a stupid alec!! I know how crazy magnus gets about you more than you do… you know what??? He controls so many times not to drool in front of everyone on so many occasions,he controls himself and shuts all his emotions from you.. I can't imagine how painful it is…

I remember this one Christmas incident… mom is not home, you are all drunk enough to lose your senses, Simon went to his hometown so I didn't drink much… In the middle of the night, when I came to the living room to watch TV, I saw magnus sitting holding his legs pressed against his chest…. I asked him' what happen? '.. He said that he was about to kiss you but ran away before he place his lips on yours…he was so tensed all night that what if you figured it out and kick him out of your life, what if this friendship ends.. He was so impatient until we found out that you didn't remember anything in the morning.. (she said chuckled)

Alec looks at her surprisingly :then why the hell is he holding himself???

Izzy :Come on, give him sometime… you know how it feels when you wait for something for too long and you finally get it , won't you get nervous to keep that thing safe!?? ..won't You get afraid each and every second, not to break that precious thing That's the phase magnus was in now… he got you after all his struggle,of course he will have this fear to take the next step with you..

Alec :i get it izzy but sometimes I can't control myself even, he can't control himself.. It looks like he is punishing himself along with me..

Izzy :maybe he have his reason, may be that's a stupid reason,that you have to clear him Out.. Okay!!! what he said when you asked him about it???

Alec:after the wedding..

Izzy :can't you see that fear, fear of losing you!! Anytime..

Alec :So what am I supposed to do.? To write in a paper and sign it.. I am ready to do anything to gain his trust and to clear his fear.. Like you said, whatever it is…

Izzy :Give him what he wants!! (on saying that she walks towards her tent)

A lec :not helping izzy, I didn't get it

Izzy!:think!!!! you are a lightwood, you can get it, what I meant..

On thinking about that, Alec walks towards his tent and snuggles next to Magnus, on seeing his face a drop of tears running from his eyes to ears in between smiling….

Next day morning

Magnus wokes up little early, and looked around the tent to see alec sleeping peacefully snuggling next to him.. He turn a little on his side carefully.. Not to wake Alec… he saw those pale face getting pink because of the morning breeze… he leans towards his face and kiss his nose dimple,eyes and cheeks.. He chuckles when alec frown a little in sleep.. He draw a pattern on alecs face around his forehead, alec smiles on that tingling sensation and he got goosebumps.. "if you keep doing that, I will fall asleep again" on saying that alec pulls magnus close still closing his eyes..

"i love you!!!" magnus said placing a pecks on alecs lips.. "I won't mind if you kiss me more, pecks is for kids.. Give me my morning kiss then i will retrun your'I love you'…'" he said pressing his lips on magnus… once they find with their morning routine, they join with their siblings…

"hey!!! I hear a weird sound all night is there any water falls nearer the place where we stay right now.." magnus asked biteing a sandwich from alecs hand,alec took reaming piece left at the corner of magnus lips to eat..

Simon :ewwwww!!! You both are disgustingly adorable…but you both didn't answer my question yet!!

Magnus :we switch according to our mood buddy (magnus winks at Simon)

Simon nodded in retur

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