1.13: Lies Revealed

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Jason and Dick run up the steps to the manor, but then the Symbiote in a jar slammed forward.

"What the hell is this things problem?" Jason asks

"Do you think The Guy is in the manor?" Dick asks

The two of their eyes widen as they put their mask/helmet on and run inside as the Symbiote piece continues to slam forward.

The piece goes every which way until it finally settles on a door, "Say isn't this J's door?" Nightwing asks

"That's...not possible." Red Hood says

The two of them walk into the room and Jamari is asleep, the piece of Symbiote in the jar becomes immensely aggressive.

And then the Symbiote cracks the glass of the jar and flies into Jamari waking him up, "J? Why did that just happen?" Dick asks taking off his mask.

Jamari freezes and rubs the back of his head with nervousness, now the lights are on as Jamari, Dick and Jason sit in chairs across from him.

"Guys...this is Venom." Jamari says, Venom's stretch face flies out of his back slowly as he licks his teeth, "He's a parasite." Venom growls at him, "He's an alien from another planet."

"Greetings." Venom says

"IT CAN TALK?!" Dick shouts

" "IT?!" " Venom shouts angrily.

"He doesn't like being called an it." Jamari says

"So he's been the one..." Dick begins

"Nah that was me." Jamari says

"You really could have killed Zsasz J." Dick says

"Good Job!!" Jason shouts dapping up Jamari and smiling

"Jason!" Dick shoots

"Dude I've never felt pride in someone else before but I guess it's a first for everything!" Jason shouts like a proud ass dad.

"Uhhh thanks Jase." Jamari says

"How did his bones sound? I bet with all those scratches it felt like slime!" Jason says

"I like him." Venom says

"I am terrified." Jamari says

"I thought venom died!" Dick shouts

"Obviously I didn't." Venom says

"Look guys keep this a secret from Bruce, last thing I want is him thinking I'm a psychopath." Jamari says

"You broke every bone in a guys body." Dick says

"Pretty sure Jason has done that." Jamari stated.

"Nah I've only hit 179 but you went for all 206!!" Jason shouts

"Minus a few that would have killed him." Jamari says

"Look we'll keep this a secret from Bruce but...he's smart so it won't be for long." Dick says

Meanwhile In Gotham a Red haired woman awakens on a dingy bed, she awakens this Is Donna Diego Aka Scream.

(Backstory On Donna Diego Who In This Timeline Is 16, Little has been revealed about Diego's early life. Donna had a history of psychotic episodes, but despite this she passed a background check and became a security guard for the Life Foundation. As part of their program to create a super-powered security force, the Life Foundation scientists kidnapped Venom. They removed his symbiote's "seeds," hatched them and merged the resulting creatures with five of their most skilled and trusted employees. One of those employees was Donna. While testing her new powers, Diego attacked a mall near Salinas, California. She encountered Spider-Man, who was looking for Eddie Brock and fled back to the Life Foundation's base in the Mojave Desert. Spider-Man stowed away on her hovercraft and released Brock. Diego and the other new symbiotes lost the resulting battle, and they apparently died from accelerated aging when Brock used a metabolic accelerator on them. Her symbiote was turned into dust and her body caught in a massive explosion. It was later revealed that Scream and the other symbiotes had survived due to efforts by the Life Foundation. Shortly afterward though, Donna left with Lasher, Phage, Agony and Riot to find Eddie Brock in New York. They had trouble coexisting with their immature symbiotes and hoped that Brock would work with them so as to teach them control. Brock refused and then disappeared. Diego asked the Scarlet Spider for help in finding Brock. When he also refused, Diego had a psychotic episode and went wild in Times Square. She succeeded in drawing the attention of Brock and Reilly. Brock fought with Diego, and only the intervention of Reilly saved her. The other "guardian" symbiotes joined Diego in her next attempt to get Brock's help. They freed Brock, who had lost his symbiote and gone to jail, and took him to Chicago. He managed to escape. Diego, who had acquired a sonic knife, killed Gesneria, Mach, Cole, and Hernandez one by one and blamed Brock for the murders. Brock reunited with Venom before Diego could kill him as well and defeated her. Diego somehow gained a measure of control over her symbiote, or at least reached a modus vivendi with it. To make up for her past behavior, she began seeking out other symbiotes and helping their human hosts to cope. She soon learned of an alien called Xenophage that preyed on symbiotes. With Brock's help she defeated it.)

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