1.16: League Of Assassins II

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Jamari and Donna(sporting a new hairstyle), follow Ra's as he tours the facility, Ra's led them through dimly lit corridors, torches flickering along the way. "The League," he began, "exists to restore balance. We are the fang that protects the head, a necessary evil in a world teetering on the brink of chaos."

They entered a vast chamber adorned with ancient tapestries. Donna's gaze lingered on a mural depicting Ra's battling knights during the Crusades. "But why?" she pressed. "Why this path of shadows?"

Ra's paused, his eyes distant. "Humanity is a plague," he said. "A cancer devouring the Earth. Our methods may seem extreme, but they serve a purpose. The Lazarus Pits grant me life, but they also reveal harsh truths, the fragility of existence, the futility of time."

Jamari frowned. "And the assassins? Are they mere pawns?"

Ra's gestured toward a group of trainees sparring in the courtyard. "They come seeking redemption, purpose, or revenge. Each carries a burden. We hone their skills, temper their souls. Some embrace our cause willingly; others are bound by debts or desperation."

As they ascended a narrow staircase, Donna's gaze fell upon a hidden door. "What lies beyond?"

Ra's smiled cryptically. "The Chamber of Shadows," he said. "There, the past and future converge. The whispers of assassins long gone echo through its walls."

Inside, the room pulsed with energy. Ancient texts lined the shelves, and a pool of liquid shimmered at its center, the fabled Lazarus Pit. Donna's breath caught. "Is this where you-"

Ra's nodded. "Where I rejuvenate, where life and death dance. But it comes at a cost, the weight of memories, the burden of countless lives."

Jamari stepped closer. "And what of us? Why allow our presence?"

Ra's studied them. "Curiosity, perhaps. Or destiny. You seek answers, and the League thrives on secrets. But remember this: Knowledge can be a double-edged blade."

Jamari rolls his eyes but then remembers, "Bruce! Alfred!" Jamari shouts

"When we came across the wreckage all we saw was you two." Talia says

Jamari and Donna's eyes widen, "Bruce...Alfred..." Jamari says dropping and crying with Donna both assuming their father figures to have been vaporized in the crash

Talia and Ra's exchange looks, "It's ok you kids can stay safe here." Talia says smiling

"No we have to get home we have to tell our brothers and sisters!" Jamari shouts

"Jamari...Your jet was completely destroyed...you Can't go home." Ra's says

Jamari and Donna's eyes widen, "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jamari shouts slamming his fist into the ground causing a hole in it and for the entire building to shake intensely

Ra's and Talia take notice, Jamari cries as the he runs off, Donna follows close behind.
Jamari paces upside down on a building, Donna swings in and lands next to him.

Both stand upside down looking at each other, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Jamari shouts pissed off

"Yes Jamari this situation is very fucked." Donna says

Jamari crouches down and pushes his hair back, "My father! I just...I just met him! Basically I just met him!" Jamari shouts

"I know Jamari...but we have to move on, it's a process but...they were completely vaporized." She says

Jamari and Donna hold each other and cry silently, Ra's and Talia look at each other and nod, "Phase 2." Ra's whispers

We cut to Jamari under a tree.

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