3 - Helena Potter

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Fang POV - June 13, 2012

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining in my face. I wish. That would have been a better start of the day. No, the sound that made me wake up was Max's scream. I shot up looking frantically for the threat, however, it was nowhere to be found. The sky was still dark but you could see that it is the next day already. I quickly climbed onto her branch to see what is wrong and saw that she was turning from side to side on her branch. 'Thank god that she didn't fall. The the fall would have been high and Max would have broken a bone.' Then I started worrying, 'Max is probably having a nightmare from the time at the School.'

"Max!!" I whisper shouted, "Wake up! You aren't at the School anymore! Wake up!" I tried shaking her so that she would wake up but she seemed stuck in her dream. It must have been a bad one since she started twisting more as if she was in pain. Sine I figured I couldn't wake her up myself, I tried keeping her from falling down or hurting herself. It took a while of me keeping Max on the branch before she woke up. When Max woke up, she was gasping and sweating profusely.

"Was the dream about our time at the School?" I asked softly with a concerned expression on my face.

"No..." answered Max very quietly. Even with my enhanced hearing, I had a hard time listening to Max's speech.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked softly, which was very out of character for me. I didn't want to scare her even more. It took a while for Max to come back into her usual self.

"That. Was. The. WEIRDEST. Dream. I ever had." Said Max. I could literally hear it in her voice, the weirdness, still lingering after the dream. I patiently waited for Max to continue explaining whatever happened.

Max POV - June 13, 2012

~ Dream ~

I found myself standing against some bars. My first thought was that Erasers had kidnapped us and we were back in the dog crates. But then, I glanced down and saw that I am not in my own body but some baby's. I looked around, trying to figure out where on earth was I. Next to me was another crib with a smaller baby compared to me, but this baby was a boy. He had midnight black hair, emerald green eyes and kind of on the chubby side. The room itself looked as if I knew it but I couldn't put my finger on it. After several minutes of observing the nursery, I heard loud shouting downstairs and an unknown woman with auburn hair burst into the room, tears streaking down her cheeks. She took the boy into her arms and started stacking boxes and chairs against the door. By that point I was very confused. What on earth was happening?

Suddenly, the door bursts off its hinges, making all the boxes and chairs scatter. As the unknown woman turned around, she dropped the boy into the nearest cot, which happened to be mine and tried to shield us from the person. I looked strangely at the boy thinking, 'Who the fuck is he?'

"Not Harry, not Helena, please not Harry!"

"Stand aside, you silly girl ... stand aside, now..." the unknown person hissed.

'He sounded really weird.' I thought. I couldn't see him so I decided to slightly shift to the side so that the unknown woman wasn't covering my view. 'Weird! And I am saying that. A genetic experiment that was imprisoned for a great deal of my life. I couldn't even call that a person! Maybe he is also a genetic experiment?' I ranted in my head. The thing seemed to be part snake. It didnt have a nose or hair and seemed to have a blue-ish skincolor. 'Yep. Definitely a genetic experiment. I wonder...' My thoughts were cut off.

"Not Harry, please no, take me, kill me instead —" repeated the woman, now sobbing her eyes out. The woman seemed to favor Harry more, even ready to sacrifice herself, in order for him to live.

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