Chapter Seven

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Luke and I burst out of the kitchen doors with a trolley filled with drinks and food.

"Ah, Monsieur Kevin, we have a splendid dish for you today." Luke said in a posh French accent.

I giggled at his fail of an accent while he shot me a playful look.

"Merci , votre accent est en fait bien!" Kevin said.

"Um, I actually have no clue what you just said." Luke said laughing nervously.

"He said 'Thank you, your accent is actually okay!' ." I told Luke with a small smile on my face.

"She speaks French!" He said pointing to me, "You speak French!" He pointed to Kevin.

His face scrunched up in confusion and he pointed to himself, "I don't speak French?"

Then he shrugged his shoulders and started serving Kevin.

'This boy will be the death of me.' I thought to myself, finally keeping it in my head.


The sounds of forks and knives clashing filled the room as we ate. We made grilled chicken and a salad, with a side of bread. Luke made the chicken while I prepared the salad and toasted the bread.

"This is a wonderful meal! I haven't had this good of chicken since my wife died." Kevin whispered the last part quietly.

I caught Luke looking at him intently. "Are you okay?" He asked the old man quietly.

Kevin wiped his mouth and stared at his food.

"My wife died in a car accident. She was driving home one night and she had a heart attack. Drove into the ditch and....." He trailed off. Small tears made a trail down his face.

"My brother died in a car accident too. My father killed him." Luke told him.

Kevin looked up in shock. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "I know how you feel."

"I'm sorry too." Luke said.

"Caia, Luke. You two have something special. Embrace it. Don't ever give up on one another, not even in the toughest times. Keep going on these little adventures. Ignite your hearts and keep them burning for each other. You never know when things could end." Kevin told us softly. "Excuse me." He said getting up from his seat.

Luke and I looked at each other with our eyebrows raised.

"Well," I said after a moment of silence. "Let's clear up."

After the two of us cleaned up and locked the kitchen, we trudged up to our room, tired from the events that happened today.

I went in for a shower and Luke called Michael, telling him and the boys where we were.

The warm water ran down my body, relaxing me almost instantly. I thought about how hard it must have been for Kevin. And for Luke. They both lost someone important to them in a flash.

When the water started to run cold, I stepped out and pulled the fluffy towel around myself. My wet hair stuck to my back as I started brushing my long, dark locks.

"Hey, where did you and Ash go today?" Luke questioned me from outside the bathroom.

"We went to go get breakfast.... From McDonald's." I made a weird face in the mirror and went back to brushing.

"I just got off the phone with him. He said you two went somewhere else. He also told me it wasn't for him to share, that it was up to you if you wanted to tell me or not." He said quietly.

I put on my shorts and shirt for sleeping and walked out of the bathroom.

"Let's go up to the roof. I'll tell you there." I said softly.

Luke looked wary about going up there but reluctantly followed me up another flight of stairs.

The cool night breeze hit us when the door opened. I immediately started rubbing my arms and shivering. He noticed and shrugged off his flannel, resting it over my shoulders gently.

"Aren't you going to get cold?" I asked him.

"What do you think cuddling is for?" He smiled down at me and took my hand.

The roof had little patches of grass on it so we picked the softest one to sit down on. Luke pulled me to his side as we lay down to look up at the stars.

He cleared his throat and spoke, "So... What happened?"

"Ashton had a break down. He was sobbing and was gripping the wheel tightly. I told him to pull over before anything bad happened. There was an empty field next to us and it gave me an idea. The road we took was deserted at that time in the morning anyways. So I got out, and led him to the middle of the open field. I put his arms up, kind of like how you did, the night on the cliff. And I told him to let go and just scream. So we did." I finished, turning sideways to gauge his reaction.

"Have I ever told you how amazing you are?" He whispered.

"This would be the first." I answered thoughtfully.

"Thank you for taking care of one of my best friends. I'm glad there's another person looking out for him as well." He told me softly.

"Don't thank me. I'm happy to be of service to any one of your amazing friends."

"You know what I love about us?" He asked while looking up at the stars in awe.


"I love how we can put the world away and get disconnected."

"I love that about us too. You know what else I love? We're literally as close as strangers. Even though I'm beside you, trusting you, I don't know the next thing about your life and yet I go on these crazily satisfying adventures with you. I trust you so much it scares me." I mumbled.

"Why does it scare you?" He asked, turning his head to look at me.

"Two days ago, I didn't even know who you were. Now look at us, going on these adventures and laughing like old friends."

"Well," He starts, shifting up on to one elbow and looking down on me. "Do you think we're moving too fast?"

"No. I think... We are just right." I smiled softly.

And we were.

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