Chapter Nine

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The next morning, I struggled to get out of Luke's iron grip. His hands were encircled around my waist, tightening every so often.

"Luke, I need to pee." I whisper-yelled.

He kept on snoring.

"LUke! I nEEd to PEE!" I yelled louder this time.

"Huh?" He jumped up from his horizontal position.

"I need to pee." I giggled as his face turned red.

He groaned and face planted into the pillow. I smiled and ruffled his hair before speeding off to the bathroom.

The sound of the flush echoed through the tiled room and I stepped out, relieved.

"I could practically hear you sigh in relief." Luke smirked and sat up on the bed.

"Ha. Ha." I rolled my eyes playfully and went to the closet to get some fresh clothes.

When I opened the closet, there was nothing on the first four shelves. My eyes narrowed as I turned around and saw Luke looking everywhere but me.

"Why are you tall?" I grumbled. All of our stuff was packed tightly into the fifth and top-most shelf. The one I couldn't reach.

"Why are you so small?" He cooed as he made his way over.

"Why did you put everything on the top shelf?"

"Because you're just so cute when you struggle to reach something." He said, booping my nose as he got my bag down.

"You make me mad Lucas." I said as I pretended to storm off into the bathroom once again.

"And you make me happy." He said from outside the door.


After Luke and I got done changing, we started our three hour trip back to the small town.

"Bye Kevin!" I waved as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"That was the most fun I've had in a while!" Luke said, grinning broadly. ( a/n Almost as broad as his shoulders LMAO I had to)

I shook my head in agreement and turned up the music. 'Teenage Dirtbag' by Wheatus came on.

"Oh, I love this song!" Luke said.

"Then sing!"

"It's embarrassing..."

"If you're going to be embarrassed in front of me, then we can't be friends anymore." I pouted, crossing my hands over my chest.

"Ugh... Those puppy eyes always get me, damn it."

He started singing when the chorus came on.

"Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby

Yeah, I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby

Listen to Iron Maiden maybe with me!"

And I simply stared at him. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"Was it really that bad?" He asked nervously.

"Are you- Are you blind or deaf or both?"

"It was bad wasn't it? Oh, I'm sorry for putting you through that, my parents have always told me how bad of a voi-"

"Shut up!" I laughed in amazement at how sincere his apology was.

"You. Have. The. Voice. Of. A God. A G-O-D. God." I chuckled when his ears turned red at my compliment.

"T-thank you." He stuttered, surprised.

"Luke, you should consider joining a band! Oh my gosh! You should create a band! That would be so exciting! What if you went on tours and stuff and signed record deals and had fans and merchandise and-"


"-and you could travel the world and have CD's-"


"What?" I asked, confused.

He smiled at me, his eyes lighting up.

"I love that idea!" He started laughing in excitement.

"Do any of your friends play instruments?"

"Yeah actually! Ashton plays the drums, Calum plays bass, Michael plays guitar and so do I!"

He got more and more excited and jumpy by the minute.

"Hey I have an idea, stop the car. We're going to do what Ashton and I did."

He grinned and stopped next to an empty field.

The next hour was filled with our screams echoing off of each other and us running around, our smiles as bright as the sun.

We got back to town at around three in the afternoon because we stopped to eat along the way. Luke took me to a place called 'Millie's Pancake House'. Millie was a nice woman, with a hearty laugh that reminded me of Kevin's. She sat down and ate with us because we were the only ones there.

Millie told us about her life in London, how her son was in the army, and she told us about her dog, Bubbles.

"I rescued that dog myself!" She chuckled at the memory. Luke and I looked at each other and smiled in awe.

By the time we finished, it was around 2:30 in the afternoon. We thanked Millie and promised to visit her again.

"So, back to reality I guess." Luke sighed.

"Don't you have work of some kind?"

"Yes but I work only on Tuesdays-Saturdays at the record shop downtown. Or what this town considers as downtown. It's so small, I bet a whole concert hall wouldn't fit in here." He chuckled at the thought.

"Ah. I do Wednesdays-Sundays at the coffee shop. This town really is small though."

"But it's perfect for our Someday's." He smiled at me softly and stopped the car in front of my house.

"It really is. Thank you for this weekend. It was... extraordinary." I breathed out and hugged him tightly.

"You're welcome. And you don't have to thank me." He said as his cheeks turned red.

"I do have to thank you. You've shown me.. well life!"

"Oh don't worry beautiful, there's more to come."

With that, he winked and backed out of my drive way, leaving me stunned at how fast he could go from shy to cocky.

I sighed after I saw the last of his Rover roll down my street.

Back to reality.


Lmao Hi guys i'm not dead.

I was at a wedding sorry and I'm going to London in two days.

Hope you liked the update! more of a filler smh but there are lots of things coming i promise.


Ani :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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