-Chapter one

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Tring Tring Tring.

The sound of my alarm clock woke me up from my peaceful slumber. Rolling out of the bed, I glanced around at my room and how- for the first time- it was so neat and tidy. The black walls contrasted with my white unmade bed. The bookshelf filled with the best of the best books stood alone on the left side of my bed. I had a two-seater couch against the wall opposite my bed. Satisfied with my room, I quickly ran into the shower in order to not run late for my first day in senior year. Without wetting my hair, I took the fastest shower I've taken in a long time and chose an outfit. My outfit consisted of black jeggings and a white button up shirt which I paired up with black pumps. Looking at my full length mirror, I twisted the bangs of my long wavy black hair. I decided to not put makeup since it was just school. And then, I was ready for school.

"Mum I'm ready for school!" I exclaimed eager to get to school and see all my friends after a long summer break.

"Be down in five minutes darling." My mum answered back immediately. I started munching on some chips while I waited for her to come down.

The drive to the school was short since I didn't live far away from school. Upon reaching the school, I saw everyone in groups and engaging themselves in any kind of conversations. I roamed my eyes around the front yard of the Xavier High but couldn't find my friends. Deciding that I'll just go to where we normally hangout, I started walking in that direction.

"Boo!!" someone screamed while covering my eyes..

"Ahh what the fuck? Who are you?" i said annoyingly because I hate when people touch me out of the blue.

"Guess who?" I started feeling the anonymous person's hand and it felt like a guy's hand so the only name I could think of was, "Jeremy!!"

He laughed, removed his hand from my eyes, twisted me around and hugged me so tightly to the point I couldn't breathe.

"God, I missed you so much Bella."

"Same doofus, I missed your annoying voice."

"Ha ha ha," he laughed sarcastically, "Very funny."

Jeremy Mattews has been my bestest 'guy' friend since I was a little kid. He's been there for me everytime I needed someone. Jeremy was your average looking guy but with killer dimples which made girls swoon over him. Some people thought that Jeremy and I are meant to be but I never payed attention to all the stupid talk.

"Have you seen the others? " I asked him as we started walking.

"Nope, I wanted to see your ugly face first." I playfully hit his shoulder and continued walking.

"Omg!" I screamed loudly as I spotted my other best friend, Cara. We both ran to each other and hugged. Cara Marin was my guardian angel. I don't know what I'll do without her, honestly. Her silky brown hair with the perfect model legs made her every guy's attention.

"How was the summer?" I asked striking up an conversation. Cara and I start fangirling about the latest gossip while Jeremy just shakes his head wondering how he is friends with us. The bell rang, indicating the start of the first lesson which was French.

Half of the day has already been done and I was in the line to get my much needed snack while suddenly everyone stops what they're doing and stare at the hot stuff who had entered the cafeteria; Aiden Brown. Aiden Brown was the incredibly talented young man in Xavier High that made him the main attention on any girls mind. His soft hazel eyes, the lopsided smile and the sexily unmade hair made him the most wanted person. Aiden had the reputation of having one night stands every day and getting drunk. He also smoked so all in all he's a perfect hot bad boy.

Getting my snack, I walked up to our lunch table and I realized I have chemistry next.

"Ugh I have chemistry next." I groaned and cursed my life.

"At least you have me in your class so you don't have to whine about it. " Jeremy reassured me.

"Hah losers! I have homeroom next. Suckers. " Cara stuck her tongue out at us like a two-year old. We all just laughed and it was our cue to walk to our respected classes.

Jeremy and I were the last ones to enter the class since we took our dear time to walk. We both sat at the end of the class because surprisingly people actually payed attention to this class.

I opened my bag and took the 'Notebook' out because I planned to zone out in this class. The 'Notebook' was a very special thing to me as I wrote all my feelings in it, my problems and everything.

"Hey Isabelle!' someone said to me and I looked up to see Steve waving at me. Steve was a very close friend until we dated and he broke up with me. I simply just nodded at him and gave him a fake smile. He walked to my table, his eyes eyeing something on my table. Before I knew it, he had his arm outstretched and his long figures were grasping my Notebook. It took me some time to realize what the hell he is doing so I was going to get up from my seat and walk towards his but i was too late. Mr. Henwick had already entered the class and was preparing to start the lecture. I sat back on my seat after giving him 'read it and i will kill you' look.

After half an hour the school bell rang indicated the end of the day and I ran to Steve's table but that annoying jerk had already left the class. I remembered that his mother comes to pick up from school at the main gate so I ran in the direction of the main gate. My guess was right, Steve was leaning against the pillar and progressing to open my Notebook.

"Don't you dare!" i screamed at him and he just smirked.

"Aww honey." he said teasingly.

On the cue, we heard a honk the source being Steve's car. He turned around, threw the book at someone to catch, and ran to his car.

I turned around to see a guy standing behind me which I failed to notice before looking up at me with a super hot smirk.

omfg, that's Aiden Brown.

I subconsciously fixed my ruined hair and ceased out my clothes. Gathering up the courage, I walked over to him.

"Please return it back to me," I said pleadingy ,"I have to go home."

He smirked at me and i thought he wouldn't give it but surprisingly he outstretched his arm and gave me the 'Notebook' back. I smiled at him gratefully.

"What's your name?" he inquired before I had the chance to say thankyou.

As if he didn't know. I've known him since we were kids.

"Isabelle. Isabelle Parker." I responded to him.

"Nice name. And I am guessing you already know my name." He said cockily.

"Obviously," I answered him sarcastically, "You have a reputation of the womanizer so it is a must to know your name." I gave him a super fake smile and walked away from that jerk who is full of himself.

why do i have a feeling that this is the beginning of something new?

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