-Chapter 4

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"Hello everyone." A husky voice erupted in the dining hall and everyone looked at the voice source and Aiden Brown was standing there.

"Let's start then, shall we?" Lauren spoke while gesturing us to the extra ordinary huge dining table which had the most expensive cutlery and utensils.

Everyone greets Aiden and he greets them back with a lopsided grin. Aiden then, looks at me and realization hits his face. Smirking, that stupid jerk walked towards the only empty seat- unfortunately, next to mine- and sat while winking at me.

man what the hell.

We all ate dinner in a very mannerly way. Father and Robert were engaged in business talks while mother and Lauren 'complimented' each other on their fashion sense. I do not get women sometimes, I swear. (Even though I'm one). Zack and I are just sitting on the soft dining chairs waiting for this awkward dinner to end. And what about Aiden? He's been staring at his phone since he sat next to me and his looks say that he'd kill someone any instant. Suddenly , a phone vibrated the source being Zack.

"Mum, I have to go. Important stuff." Zack abruptly stands as he informed my mother. He doesn't even give her a chance to protest because he is legit running out of the door.

"He might have some last minute school errands." I start to reason with my parents questioning looks but unfortunately, they don't buy it. Mother gives me a we'll-talk- later face and I curse silently. All the adults continue with their previously interrupted chats while I sit there bored out of my brains.

"Mom?" Aiden's voice startled me as he suddenly spoke," do you mind if I go out, it's really urgent."

His mother examine his face to see whether he is lying or not. After a moment of silence she speaks,"Yes, you may. But one condition. You have to take Isabelle with you."

what? no. I object...

"But mom.."

"Son, she's getting bored and what will she do here amongst us oldies?" And they all chuckle.

haha very funny..

Aiden just nods and walks away. I look at my mother and she gave me a nod of approval accompanied with a slight wink.

mothers these days...

I walked towards the main gate and see him sitting on his huge death trap- a bike.

"Aye. I'm not getting on that." I protested because I do not want to ruin my dress nor my hair.

"Suck it up, princess." Jerkface said and proceeded to sit on the bike.

I actually did suck it up and sat on the death trap and deeply breathed in and out.

"Hold on to me, or else you are going to fall."

"No, thanks. I have no desire to touch your body." I replied truthfully.

"Suit yourself, Princess." I was going to tell him to stop calling me princess because only special people can call me that when he roared the death trap to life and sped it on the road. I was sure that I was going to die if I do not hold on to something, so swallowing my ego, I firmly put my hand on his shoulder.

Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at the destination Aiden aimed for. It looked like a frat house lighted with multi-color lights and dozens of people hanging out in the front yard and their hands occupied with huge red paper cups.

"Dude, you took me to a frat party? Are you insane? It is a school night so I can't even drink."

"Isabelle," he spoke so lowly that I had to strain my ears to listen to him, "As i remember, I wasn't the one who invited you. I have important stuff to do here, so you can roam around in this house until I call you." And then he takes his phone out and tells me to insert my number into his phone.

"I'll miscall you and then just save my number." And then he walked away leaving me alone in this strange situation.

Who does he think he is? Leaving me alone among these strangers and walking away. I swear, I will tell his mother how much he knows how to treat girls. Note my sarcasm, please. I felt a surge of anxiety as I glanced around at my surroundings. There were bodies laying around in the glass passed out, couples making out in every single corner, girls wearing skimpy clothes clinging to some hot dude. What a party. Yay life.

wait till you see what's inside, my brain told me.

I walked inside, suddenly engulfed with a horrid stench of alcohol and the surprisingly, the inside surroundings were a bit controlled as opposed to the outside. I searched around the place to find anyone I knew, but no luck. This place was filled with strangers and my anxiety level was reaching its peak. I searched for the kitchen to see it almost empty, just some drunkards lurking around, and got some fruit punch to lower the hotness I am feeling right now.

i think i should text Jer to get me home from here..

I was getting my phone out of my pocket when i instantaneously felt a hand on my waist. I looked at the face and it was one of the drunkard.

"Bro, I am not your prostitute, get your hands off me."

"Why, would you like to be my prostitute?" What the flipping hell? He had the nerve to say that.

"Get your hands off her, don't you get what she is saying?" Another unknown voice boomed through the kitchen and instantly the hand was off from my waist. I turned around to see this tall frame right behind me.

"Thankyou." I thanked him as he shoo-ed away the weird drunkards away from me.

"It's my pleasure to help the damsel in distress." The unknown guy spoke.

"So what you think is that you are my knight in shining armour?"

"I wish I was, but I go by the name Ray Colton. " He introduced himself and extended his hand out to which I shook. Ray Colton was a very attractive man. He had a jaw line that anyone would kill for, and his electrifying green eyes dulled all the green in the room. His tight shirt outlined his buildup body and

"I am Isabelle. You can call me Bella though."

"Nice name. So, tell me. What is a beautiful girl doing here alone? " He flirted and I blushed like a mad person.

"Ummm.. actually, I am here with Aiden Brown but he ditched me before I knew it."

"Oh, so you're Aiden's flavor of the week?"

"Excuse me? I am anything but that." I replied a bit rudely to him.

"Okay okay, sorry. Don't get to worked up on that. I'm Aiden's really close friend though but I do not go to Xavier High. "

"Wait, really? You are nothing like him.."

"Obviously not, I am not his family dumbo." We both chuckled at my own stupidity.

"Let's get you a drink." He then opened up a brand new bottle of vodka and gave it to me. I lost all the sense in my body and drank away. I was never a big fan of drinking because i was a very mean drunk. Ray is in for something....

"Look at her, why does she even bother wearing something?" I exclaimed pointing at this very slutty looking girl.

"I have to get this girl home." Ray muttered to himself but I still heard him nevertheless.

"Take.. my phone.. and call Jeremy." And then I was engulfed in my puke's stench and Ray muttering profanities.

how did a simple dinner at Brown's residence turn into this...?

that was my last thought until I drifted away.


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