-Chapter 3

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Its been two days since we've moved next to Aiden's house and honestly, it's anything but exciting. Thank the Lord my bedroom's window is not next to his bedroom's window or else i could have definitely said that my life is cliche. Mother said that we're going to have dinner at the Brown's residence today and, honestly i am not looking forward to meet the egoistical bad boy; Aiden.


I sighed as I closed my notebook and put it on my side table, getting ready to take an afternoon nap since i have not have sleep for two days now. How did I survive? Well, there is coffee and energy drinks for a reason.

"Will you just get up already?" Someone screamed at me. I instantly got up and look around to notice Zack standing in the middle of my room looking frustrated as hell.

"What do you need, loser?"

"For you to wake up and start getting ready in order to not get late for the dinner."

I looked at my clock sitting alone on my side table and it said that it's 7:08 already. Oh crap, I slept for more than necessary. My brother saw that I was fully awake so he left me alone in my miserable state because I have nothing to wear.

you guys, come over. i'm miserable.

I texted Scarlett and Cara and they were at my house in less than twenty minutes. i explained my situation to both of them and they laughed at me and saying that i am not going on a date to which I argued on.

"Yeah but, his family is partners with my dad and I need to impress them. I bet Zack is having the same problem." I concluded making my point.

They both nodded in understanding and started digging up from my wardrobe filled with designer clothes- yet I have nothing to wear any time. While they were searching for the right attire, I went to take a quick shower in order to freshen up.

"Tada!!" I heard Cara scream when I was applying lotion to my newly shaved legs and arms. I immediately got out of the bathroom after I was done to see which dress my bestfriends have picked out.

The dress was suitable for the occasion. It was a black one shoulder dress and it ended on my thigh. The dress didn't show my curves perfectly which was a good thing because I am not confident with my body. My friends smiled in satisfaction and I preceded to do my make up and hair. I wanted keep my makeup natural so I only applied a little amount of BB cream and smeared it over all of my face. Then I used mascara and put eyeliner in a classical way. I left my hair in its natural form and then I was ready to go.

"Thankyou guys for coming over." I thanked my friends for coming over when I did not really need that much help.

"It's okay. We both know how jumpy you get when you're going out somewhere." Cara replied and we all chuckled.

"Well, we're leaving now, bye. Have fun!"
I went down to the living room and saw my brother already ready and sitting on the couch staring into blank space.

"What's up?" I asked him touching him on his shoulder to get his attention towards me.
"I have a feeling that mother is cheating on father with her boss"
"You've got to be kidding me, dude. That can't happen. Our mother has morals and she wouldn't do that to us. Or to anyone else. " I argued with him.

He then unlocked his phone and showed me a picture that took my breath away. It was our mother and her boss hugging and the boss was grabbing her hips.

"It can be photoshopped or something, I don't know. This is not true. " I cried, tears already welling up in my eyes.
"Maybe, maybe not. I don't know. "

And that was the end of our conversation since our parents entered the living room. I wiped my tears and instead put on a smile, so did Zack.
"Ready to go, kids?" Father asked us and we nodded.
"Hey," my brother whispered in my ear, "don't tell anyone about this. I want to be hundred percent sure first. And also, act happy." I just nodded and we walked to the Brown's residence.

"Good Evening Mr. and Mrs. Parker. Lovely to have you here." Aiden's mom, Lauren greeted us.

"Thankyou for having us." Father replied.

We then entered the lavished mansion. It's exterior was to die and imagine the interior. The walls were a beige color with various paintings hung up on them. The main entrance was adjacent to the a staircase which led to the upper part of the mansion. Looking straight, there was a living room with two types of sofas. You could smell the sweet aroma of food from the kitchen situated on the right side of where the living room starts from. Overall, this mansion was beautiful inside out.

"And who might these two be?" Lauren asked me and Zack. I looked over to Zack and he wasn't in any mood to answer so I had to.

"I'm Isabelle and this is Zack. " I said gesturing to him.

"Lovely to meet you. I have a son who would be around your age, Isabelle. Wait, hold on," Lauren stopped talking directly to me and shouted looking towards the staircase, "Aiden Brown come down this instant," There was no reply. " I think he's out."

"Sorry I'm late! Go held up in traffic." A manly voices echoed in the room. We all looked up and saw a man, probably in his early fifties, walking towards us with a smile on his face.

"No worries, Robert!" My dad exclaimed as the both men hugged. We all engaged our selves in random talk ( I was talking with Zack because why not?) when suddenly the all so familiar voice speaks.

"Mum, I'm home!" Aiden Brown informed while removing his leather jacket and hanging it on the coat hanger. He looked up and surprise was all over his face.

"Hello." He greeted my parents with his charming smile and just nodded in mine and Zack's direction.

how will this dinner turn out to be? Awkward? Or normal?

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