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(sorry for popping out a lot of books but I like this idea cause it was on my old account) [☆ = changing pov/topic/or subject idk]

Y/n Vollerei

(sorry for popping out a lot of books but I like this idea cause it was on my old account) [☆ = changing pov/topic/or subject idk]☆☆Y/n VollereiLooks:

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Weapon: Shared Destiny

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Weapon: Shared Destiny

☆☆Casual form/ or "totally not suspicious disguise":

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Casual form/ or "totally not suspicious disguise":

-The casual clothes, you actually made them yourself

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-The casual clothes, you actually made them yourself.
-you worry that the skirt is too short, but you like skirts because you can twirl in them, too bad you can't do crimes (smh)
-you made the hair short cause you don't want to be obvious so the AST won't DEFINITELY notice you.

About your spirit form:
-More of a Physical Dealer
-Before you actually got better at fighting, you just swing it. A lot.
-You nearly forget the fact that you can float.
-You forgot about your powers and skills a bit, because you forget you're a spirit.


Weapon: Sanguine Gaze

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Weapon: Sanguine Gaze

☆☆Other forms (will be updated as chapters go on

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Other forms (will be updated as chapters go on.):
Swallowtail Form:

It's when your in the disguise form, but battle uniform in case you don't have enough energy to fully transform into your spirit form

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It's when your in the disguise form, but battle uniform in case you don't have enough energy to fully transform into your spirit form. The scythe also changed to "Undines Tale"

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