First day! Origami is slightly annoying!

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(Image above, on the left is your school uniform.)

Okay! If I want to go out in public without being spotted by Mr. Blueberry and Ms. Swan. (My nickname for that white haired girl, but I'm pretty sure I heard that blueberry boy call her 'Origami')

So after I woke up, I decided to put on a disguise.

"Okay voice in my head, what should I disguise as?"

"I have no ideas. Think of something creative."

"Hmm.... Oh!"

I snapped my fingers and a white glow took over my body, after the light died down I looked down and had different clothes on.

Maybe I could make my hair shorter too, or should I just change entirely?

After a couple of moments I decided. And went to a convenient river, that was there. Man, I'm so lucky.

I've also decided to give Life Harvester a new look, for this form specifically.

I twirled the scythe then made it disappear by turning it into butterflies.

I then give my outfit a final twirl before looking around.

"You need food, so we'll have  to go into a city. I gave you a pouch full of yen."

"Thank you voice in my head! How did you even give me this pouch?"

"I have a name. it's Veliona, I'm more like another spirit inhabiting your body, so you're my host."

"So basically another me?"


"Okay... Enough chit chat! Let's go to the city!"

"Where though..."

After a couple of hours we found a big city!

I walked though. It wasn't actually that tiring, considering I'm definitely not human.

My eyes sparkled at the stores, and food. I slowly turned towards a restaurant.

After about an hour, I walked out the restaurant full and satisfied. I let out a happy sigh.

"Now that you're... Full. Your energy is replenished."

"You could say that!, should I check in to a hotel or inn?"

"...Those are the same thing."


"....I have an idea. Hear me out."






"So you're saying that blueberry man goes to a school, with all of his spirit gals and you're telling me to go there?! To just blow my cover?"

"First of all, you need education, second off all try and confront him, and maybe tell him to stop asking you on a date and to seal your powers."

"Seal my powers? How do you know about this anyway?"

"I just know."

"Ok... That's suspicious."

"Anyway, you'll need a uniform, and the convincing that you're a new student to teachers is up to you. Raizel(?) Is the school name. I'll leave it to you to find it yourself."

I can just make myself a uniform, since I made a casual form I can make a uniform right?

The plan, so I can just check in a hotel and arrive at Raizel tomorrow. That's the plan

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