A Spirit?

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(not good at writing fight scenes so bare with me.)

We see a surprised Kotori and Shido and the rest of the crew looking uhh... surprised at how interesting that fight was.

Kotori then speaks up.

Kotori: Did she just...?

Crew member 1: We've got a hold of what the spirit looks like, ma'am!

Kotori: what does she look like?

Crew member 1: she has indigo hair and light blue on the inside of her hair, pale skin (sorry black folks 🤕) and light blue eyes! She also wears a lot of white too.

Shido then looks at Kotori, who already knows what he's gonna say.

"Kotori, should I go down there?"

"Good idea."

Crew member 1: We'll have you sent to the place she is in right now.

Shido: then I'm off!

He then is sent to the forest. Teleportation go brrr

"Where is she? Maybe she's around the area somewhere?"

While looking around Shido spots something on a tree, it looks like a marking.

While looking around Shido spots something on a tree, it looks like a marking

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Shido then looks at the flower marking, analyzing it.

"What might this be...?"

Kotori: be careful Shido, a crew member said they detected spirit energy through that marking.

Shido then looks up, seeing that the markings are all over the trees, making a path, leading to an open spot in the wild.

Shido: that's suspicious... that's weird.

Kotori: It looks like the spirit is leading you somewhere. You should hurry, the spirit should be where the markings lead up, make sure to contact before the AST arrives.

Shido then makes it to the place where all the markings meet up, and none other he sees our gal Y/n, sitting and relaxing. (Image below)

Y/n then notices the blue haired boy, she turns to look at him, with a slight nervous look on her face, because she actually manager to lure him

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Y/n then notices the blue haired boy, she turns to look at him, with a slight nervous look on her face, because she actually manager to lure him.

"I knew someone would try and look for me!"

"So, you found me, what do you want? Are you gonna try and kill me too...?"

Shido then sweats, not trying to make the girl panic.

"No! Uh..."

Then Y/n hears someone else speaking, then looks at the headpiece that Shido is wearing.

"That's a little suspicious..." Y/n thought. Then decided to test something, so she spoke up.

"answer my question Mr blueberry!"

"Sorry!! I was rubbing from something and ended up here."

"Seems like he made that up, or someone told him to say that."

"really now..."

Y/n now clearly hears someone from the head piece, or should I say communicator?

Kotori: Shido, her happiness meter went down!

"Happiness meter?"

"I'm un-entertained. Let's get out of here. I'm tired."

"How are you tired if you're just a voice in my head?"

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Blueberry but I'm off."

"Hey, wait!"

"Ignore him. He doesn't matter."

As I began to walk out, of the area. I immediately see that white haired girl again! Doesn't she let up!?

Origami: You can't escape this time...!

As she immediately tried to cut me down, I vanished, then appeared behind her, as the white haired girl looks behind her and gasps as she takes a few steps back.

I think I'll take my chances to escape agai-

Why can't I move that quick anymore? I can barely float... I think I'm tired? What's going on?

"Your energy is low. Find a place to rest, don't pass out unless you wanna be stuck with this white haired girl."

As the spirit began to get tired and exhausted, Kotori spoke through communicator Shido had on.

Kotori: what's going on!?

Shido: I don't know! Origami showed up and started attacking her!

Origami: stop running away! Just die already!

Y/n then sacrifices some of her energy to summon Life Harvester (your weapon)

Y/n: I'm sorry! I'm not going to die unless I figure out why I'm here! So then please stay out of my WAY!

Y/n starts swinging the weapon skillfully, more graceful-like, and fast.

Origami on the other, obviously keeps up with her, full of frustration, blocking and landing a few hits.

Meanwhile y/n is getting annoyed, so she vanished again much to Origami's dismay, and reappeared behind her.

Y/n: (GIF below) Now settle down a bit!

Shido: HOLY- (Shields his eyes, because of the bright ass light)

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Shido: HOLY- (Shields his eyes, because of the bright ass light)

Kotori: (for the 100th time) What's happening?!

As soon as the light died down, the Spirit was gone, and Origami layed there unharmed. Likey passed out.

Shido: just what was that!?

Now we cut to the scene where Y/n is heavily breathing, completely out of energy.

"This is a secluded area. you should be able to recover energy here without interruptions"

Y/n then falls the ground, laying down.

"At least this place isn't uncomfortable..."

I drift off to sleep, thinking what will happen next time.

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