short, but slightly delightful chap.

213 10 3

So you know that moment when you HAVE to explain, but don't know WHAT to say?

So, you have origami tied to a chair (not suggestively.) while you have your arms crossed.

You tho

It would be peaceful, with the moon, glowing softly out and crickets chirping by your house, but origami is currently stringing curses at you.

"Origami, dude. Just want to-"

"You'll never get anything. out. of. me."

"Dude chill, we need to tal-"

"Lies. I don't believe you"


"What do you want!"

"GIRL. Give me a second to explain, damn."

Origami was silenced, due to you really looking like you want to talk to her.

"Get it over with."

"I want you to stop seeing me as an enemy. Please, i mean NO harm."

"Your species is the one that caused me harm..."

"But I wasn't that spirit that killed your parents right?" You said confidently

(You really hoped that you didn't somehow fucked up. You woke up without memories after all, you didn't want to become a bad guy.)

"... How do you kn-"

"ANYWAy- why must you take it out on every single spirit? Look. This isn't the way, I can't fully convince you, but if you don't attack me, I can find you answers."
"What makes you think I won't betray you, and send the AST after I got what I wanted..?"

"You won't."

Origami slightly (slightly) flinches at the sudden dark tone of you switching your voice. It's dark and cold, yet confident. Just what are you up to?

"Deal? Pleaseee I won't bother you, I'll even set you on a date with shido :D"

".. hmph. Fine. Don't think we're friends. And-"

You quickly untied her and ushered her out the door

"Yeah yeah bye, see you around!"


You cut her off by slamming the door.

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