AST has no chill!

559 17 3

☆ = POV change/Timeskip.

Arrgh, my head...

I struggled to get my eyes open, because of the light.


Why am I laying on the ground!?

Oh this is bad...

What..? What am I wearing? What's this weird orb floating beside me? It's pretty, though.

I quickly, or struggle to stand up, I realized I'm also barefoot. Well, there was decor on your legs. (See herrscher of rebirth outfit.)

I immediately find a lake, and look at my reflection. Did I always look like this...? I'm very pretty.

I traced the mark on my chest, wondering what it's meaning is-

Wait a minute. Why do I sense trouble-


I see girls in gray and black clothing, more like swimsuits, and some type of guns staring down at me in anger, like I did something.

They start to aim the guns at me, making me hold up my hands, sweating.

"Everyone, prepare fire!"

Then, not less than a second they start FIRING at ME!


I held at my hand multiple bullets hit the ground, causing smoke to flare up.

Once the smoke clears up a force field is revealed.

"Dammit. She blocked the attack!"

Well because you were trying to hurt me, genius. I stared at my hands in awe, wondering how I could do that. Ignoring the swimmer girls yelling at me, not taking notice of them aiming at me, I started to float.

Do I have any other abilities-

My thoughts were rudely interrupted when I moved out the way when a bullet was heading in my direction.

"Hold out your hand."


"Use the scythe. Fight back."

I guess it's worth a shot, I raised my hand in the air, a bright lavender light came from the palm in my hand, the light slowly forming into a scythe-like shape.

Whoa..." I looked at the scythe. (Look at your bio to see what the weapon looks like)

"Prepare fire again, don't stall!"

I overheard the strong and cold voice, the leader I presume, I felt less scared. And got ready to fight them. I held my scythe in one hand and the orb floated into my other hand.


They fired at me, fast, i decided to twirl my scythe deflecting them, surprisingly well.

"Hmph! Ma-maybe you shouldn't go attacking random people! Weirdos"

"Wow way to go you stuttered."

"Is she insulting us?"

'What does it look like you stupid weirdo? I am insulting you!' I thought, puffing my face.

"Tch. I can't take it." I felt a strong presence.

Uh oh.

I couldn't get her appearance the first time, but she quickly came up to me, with the intention to kill me, raising her sword thingy.

I quickly blocked it with my scythe, ignoring my new instinct, I finally caught the girls looks.

I quickly blocked it with my scythe, ignoring my new instinct, I finally caught the girls looks

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"All units, Prepare to assist Origami!"

Crap! I can't hold off this much people!

"Try and create a diffusion to escape then. The orb. Use it."

"..! Okay then!"

"I'm sorry! I can't fight you!"

I then flew up to the sky, obviously to lure the white haired female and others there.

"Don't try and run! Just accept your fate and die!"

Man, this girl is ruthless! Aside from that, I feel like the orb beside me... I think I know what to do...

Subconsciously I chanted a few words, my hands on each side of the orb, it started to grow a bright light, making the white haired girl and the others below me cover their eyes.

As soon as the bright light was down, i wasn't found, because I don't like taking my time to escape.

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