What would happen to the three factions if a new student arrive in Kuoh school, and with that an unknown power.
Follow the story of this young warrior desperately trying to be stronger to protect his loved one
Supernatural : Attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding, soon assimilated to religion and myths.
In Kuoh, Japan, we can see the entry of Kuoh Academy, an academy that was once all females but later turned coed. Unfortunately most of the male proportion of the students were here for the wrong reason, to peek at girls, hoping for any feminine traits hidden from them.
While the usual students were calmly walking through the portal, they can hear a unfamiliar sound of a bike's motor, coming closer by seconds, and soon, a beautiful bike was parked near the entry, showing a new face unknown by the Kuoh students, the face of Y/n Bjornson, the new transferred and foreign student.
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The boy was not wearing the usual school uniform, instead was wearing a white tee-shirt with a brown leather jacket, adding to his style. He had surprisingly scarlet hair and blue eyes matching his look.
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Just after leaving his bike, he lit a cigarette while walking through the entrance in the probable direction of the Student Council office, while being the center of the attention of the people surrounding him, the girls admiring him for his hot look, and the boys glaring at him for gaining feminine's attention at his first day.
Girl 1 : Oh god, he is so hot.
Girl 2 : Yeah right, I hope he's not a pervert like the other boys.
Boy 1 : Grrr another pretty boy, it's annoying.
Boy 2 : We will never get a girlfriend with more hot guys.
Our protagonist juste smile, amused by the talk around him, no really paying much attention and just walking toward his destination, he made it faster than he thought and was in front of the Student Council Office. Soon after he just knock, waiting for an answer.
???: Come in.
Just as he walk in, he came towards two black haired girls with glasses, one with short hair who was sitting at the desk and the one with long hair standing behind her, almost protectively.
Short hair : Hello, pleasure to meet you, you must be the new student.
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