Misery Loves Company

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The morning felt lovely, it was 8 am and the sun was making its way out.

I took a whiff of the sweet aroma that was the Air.

Spring was indeed a wonderful season.

Humming to myself, I went to the canteen and ordered some coffee.

I got french vanilla since that will be just enough to get me started for the day.

Had I been tried I would have gone for something stronger, black coffee perhaps.

With the coffee in my hand, I turned to leave only to be startled by Max's voice.

I didn't see or sensed him, I was too focused on getting to work.

The hot coffee spilled all over me.

"I saw you with that mutt last night"

"What mutt are you talking about Max?, I have to get to work "

I asked frustrated, I've just been burnt because of him.

"The guy who you were sitting with outside the party Saturday night "

" Who, Beck?"

" If that's what it's called ".

How dare him!

" Let's get one thing straight Max, He's not an it and is there a problem?"

He moved closer to me, but I didn't step back, I stood my ground.

" Yes, you are no longer allowed to communicate with him "

" Okay daddy "

I retorted sarcastically, his eyes flickered for a split second, before he threw his head back and laughed humorously.

"Oh, Clarissa I figured you'd say that, that's why I beat the crap out of that wimp and told him to stay away from you "

" Max, you can't do that"

I scolded him through gritted teeth.

He's trying to make my blood boil, isn't he?

Poor Beck, I feel so bad. He's already battling with his illness now this.

I can't even say I hope Max haven't beaten him up badly because I know he did.

He's a monster.

" But I already did "

He teases which only increased my anger.

"Maybe you should do as you told him and leave me the fuck alone!"

I rarely used cursed words or raised my voice at anyone but I was fed up with this Jerk!.

Not once had I regret coming out of my depressed state until now.

Was i still depressed Beck wouldn't be in pain at this very moment.

My eyes started to well up with tears but I blinked them away

I can't let him see me cry.

This isn't the first time he's done something like this, whenever a guy would try to get close to me he'd scare them away.

He's never allowed a guy to get close to me.

I'm starting to think he's the reason I haven't found my mate yet.

He's mate-less and miserable so He wants me to be that way too, misery really does love company.

The prick gave me his signature smirk and left me there.

Drenched in coffee and upset


Max's Pov

I was at the party, bored beyond measures

but as the upcoming Alpha, this is required.

Two men whose name I didn't know from a outside the country were talking to me

I spaced out, nodding occasionally to them.

Our take on things are completely different and I have a feeling these folks were set in their ways.

Thankfully they finally stopped talking and went to mingle with other people.

With the idea to get a drink, I turned in the direction of the bar only to be blown away by what I saw.

The most beautiful she wolf I've ever seen, she wore a long golden dress with a slit that exposed her delicate soft legs.

My pants became tight as I admired her generous figure.

I found a corner and stood in there, careful not to cause attention to my predicament.

This woman to whom I spoke of was the Beta's Daughter, Clarissa.

I despised her, I hated the emotions that she's able to evoke in me, without even knowing.

She probably hated me for the way I've always treated her.

Ever since I was a boy, I felt drawn to her

But it wasn't until I hit puberty, then later received my wolf did it become an obsession.

Her scent was no longer just a sweet sent, but an intoxicating one, that I can smell from a mile away in most cases.

It pulls me in and calms whatever negative emotion I might be feeling at the time and in other cases it turns me on or makes me highly possessive of her

My wolf denies feeling any mate bond in her when I ask which irritated me.

How can a woman who's not my mate, be capable of making me feel these things?.

I watched as she exited the building, I moved closer so I could see where she was going but still maintained my distance

She sat down next to the water fountain, her moments always so dainty.

Anger boiled in me when I saw the same guy who she was talking with a few days ago on her lunch break.

I didn't eavesdrop on their conversation then, however this time around I did.

" Hey, I know this might be inappropriate, but you look lovely tonight "

This freaking mutt

What a shame for someone of his level to think he could obtain a woman of her calibre.

She became uncomfortable, rightfully so, she soon left.

I confronted the mutt, he bowed his head in respect when he saw my presence.

" Alpha "

Slowly I stalked up to him like a manic and perhaps I was.

He shivered in fear and my wolf chuckled, then coughed.

" pathetic "

That he was indeed.

" Didn't anyone tell you I hate when people touch what's mine?"

He seemed confused for second

" Who nurse?, A alpha, I swear I I "

" Stay away from her "

I warned him and he nodded his head viciously.

" Run along mutt "

I was positive he got the message loud and clear, without me having to raise my voice or lift a finger.

The power of an Alpha.

Now if you're wondering why I did this, even when I said I hated her guts.

It's quite simple.

She's the reason for my suffering and if I can't be happy, neither can she.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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