~Act 1, Prt 1: The Thought of Seeing You Again~

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If you were asked by someone. "What's the most powerful human emotion?" what would you say? Well, some would answer anger, some maybe jealousy; all those negative emotions. But what if I said it was love? Love... love...–love. The most potent force on Earth. Love can drive many people to do stupid things, brave things, thoughtful... the list is endless. But one question, one question arises. Why? Why does love make us do the things we do? Does everyone deserve this love–love that makes you feel like soaring, love for someone or something so substantial that it makes you feel like you can accomplish the impossible. Love that drives you to live every day that makes the simplest of things into something extraordinary?

Well, I'll let you ponder on that.

Speaking of love, our story follows two teenage boys on their journey of love. A journey of betrayal, happiness, confusion, and yonder. And for these two, maybe their story is bizarre, but their everlasting love for each other keeps them drunk.

~Nobody POV~

"He's in room 546. On floor 6, go down until you reach a corridor, then head left. I'm sure you know this by now, though." Says a receptionist. She quickly smiles at Jotaro before turning her attention to her computer.

"...Thanks." he sighs before turning away to walk to Kakyoin's room. Everything... has changed so fast. For the better or worse? Jotaro pondered this as he walked to his friend's room–the beeping heart monitors, the still figures covered in blankets, the calm yet bitter hospital smell, the faint footsteps, and the squeaking sound of a wheelchair being pushed. He hated this. He hated everything about the hospital. But not for himself. He hated it because this was the place where his friend was trapped in an infinite slumber.

'What if Kakyoin doesn't make it? What if he..'  He stops himself from thinking any longer.

"Happy thoughts..." he mumbles to himself. "But what's there to be positive about, if the future...his future. No, our future. is as bright as an endless void of nothing but shit?" he stops. 'No, that's not me. I have to stay strong. I've always been strong. That's who I am.' He pulls down his hat and thinks back to the journey.

The fifty-day journey, that bastard DIO, he thought, his mom, Iggy –his heart stung– Abdul...


The thought of these things secretly hurt Jotaro, but despite their dangerous journey that also cost their lives, Jotaro can't help but feel glad he was on the trip. He made friends who truly understood him. They relied on him, and he relied on them. He wasn't some trophy that people used to brag about in the group (people try to become his underling to have some sort of "status"). He was just... him. That's all he's ever wanted to be.

He looks at the wall.

Room 538, room 539 –almost there–room 540, room 541– his heart starts to race. He isn't sure why. He's been here so many times he's lost count. The chance of Kakyoin waking up is as high as that bastard DIO coming back to life; basically zero. Even though he knew this, he couldn't help but hope. Have hope in Kakyoin, hope above all else, that he would come back. He would wake up and smile with everyone again–room 542 and room 543– saying they'd all be able to talk again. The day that happens is when Jotaro and everyone will be at peace again. –room 544– and the thought of this moment keeps the hope in Jotaro's heart ablaze.

Room 545... He stops. He clenches his fist before loosening it. He's done this so many times before. Room 546... He puts his palm on the handle of the door. He swallows before opening the door.

Lies Kakyoin in his bed, resting so peacefullyIgnoring the hundreds of wires plugged into his stomach. Jotaro walks it, taking in the room Kakyoin has been staying in. It's a considerably large room, to Joseph's request, and also because of the space needed to support Kakyoin's condition. To the left is a window. It's slightly open, and a steady breeze lifts the curtains.

Jotaro walks towards the window and lifts the curtains to bring in light. He takes in the view. Sakura blossoms dance in the wind. The bustling sound of city life, children running and playing with their friends back home. People chat with friends or walk their dogs. People walk home from work to greet their families. People were... just basking in everyday life. He couldn't help but feel a bit jealous.

He opens the window and takes a deep breath before returning to Kakyoin. Orange-pink light now floods the room, making everything a beautiful sunset hue. A few Sakura blossoms blow into the room. The scenery was almost peaceful. Jotaro huffs at the sight before smiling a bit. It was an enchanting yet beguiling sight. He looks around, spotting a chair before pulling a chair to sit at Kakyoin's side. He stares at his friend.

He looks up and closes his eyes.

"Yare yare... when you wake up, you have a lot to catch up on, you know? Iggy and Abdul are already awake. They're... not the same. Nobody is, but they're doing alright. Polnareff, Gramps, your parents...even me. We all miss you... you idiot. So just wake up... alright?"


"Welcome home, Jotaro!" Holly cheers as Jotaro comes through the front door. She hugs her son. Jotaro was about to retaliate but decided against it. After all, if anyone deserved happiness, it was his mom. After everything she's been through, Jotaro is glad she can still smile.

"How was Kakyoin? Is he still the same?" asked Holly. Jotaro just nodded slightly. "Oh.. I see. That poor boy. Sometimes, even when Papa says it's not... I feel like it's my responsibility that your friend is like that. If only-"

"No, it's not your fault. We knew what we were getting into when we decided to fight DIO," he interrupts. Holly looks at her son. "If anyone, we should blame DIO. he's the cause of this... so don't blame yourself." Holly smiles at this and hugs Jotaro.

"Yeah, you're right! Thank you, Jotaro," she says softly. "I'll make dinner; why don't you rest up? You must be tired, right?" she says. Jotaro nods and turns to walk away. Holly chuckles before going back to the kitchen to continue cooking.

Jotaro enters his room, closing the Shoji behind him. He sits on his futon and looks at the ceiling. His mind is full of many things, but his mental state and body are exhausted.

"Gramps and the others are visiting soon... and I have to go back to school eventually. Ugh, I don't wanna think about those annoying girls right now though," He props his back against the wall, "I wonder when things will finally be normal. Well, I doubt that is happening, thanks to the shitty Joestar blood flowing through me...no. I don't mean that." he mumbles.

"Stand users will always attract stand users, huh? Is it stupid to think of a normal life now?" he pauses. He sighs, disappointed. In himself or not, he doesn't know.

'I wonder if I'll be able to sleep tonight. Without that bastard, DIO appearing.' he thinks. His eyes get heavy, and his consciousness starts to fade. The cherry-haired boy was the last thing he thought of before falling into a restless, empty slumber.


Wordcount: 1247 (not including this <3)

Yay chapter 1 is done :D

I'm quite happy with this, although it can be better .<.

Anyways, when I'm writing this, two chapters will already be up. I would like to post some chapters before I release this.

Okay, now this chapter may have been a bit boring, but it's just the start chill.

Now bye.. See u next chapter <3

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