Volume 2 Mountain Glenn

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I wake from the sound of Yang speaking.

Yang: Blake, are you awake?

Blake: Yeah.

Yang: Why do you think he asked us about being a Huntress? Like, what was he trying to say?

Blake: Maybe he was curious.

Yang: You think?

Blake: No.

Yang: Y/N, are you awake.


Yang: What did you say?

I stayed silent...

Yang: Weiss, are you awake?

Weiss: Of course I'm awake! You three are talking. And I think he... When I said I wanted to honor my family's name, I ment it. But, it's not what you think. I'm not stupid. I'm fully aware of what my father has done with the Schnee Dust Company. Since he took control, our business has operated in a... moral gray area.

Blake: That's putting it lightly.

Weiss: Which is why I feel the need tk make things right. If I had taken a job in Atlus, it wouldn't have changed anything. My father was not the start of our name, and I refuse to let him be the end of it.

"Once I think about it... My goal when doing this... was to die in battle. Nothing to it... I'm not afraid of dying which has put concern in many. But after that first time, putting this Evoker to my head, after seeing my parents die right in front of me, I didn't care what would happen to me. All I wanted was to die in battle, but not go down without a fight, and not get too close to people in fear of them... dying, having that pain for three years was all I knew... But now that I'm with Ruby... That's all I'm fighting for, is her."

WBY looks over in sadness.

Blake: All my life, I frought for what I thought was right. I had a partner, named Adam. More of a mentor, actually. He always assured me that what we were doing would make the world a better place. But of course, his idea of a perfect future turned out to be not perfect for everyone. I joined the academy because I knew that Huntsman and Huntresses were regarded as noble warriors in the world. Always fighting for good. But I never really thought past that. When I leave the Academy, what will I... how can I undo so many years of hate?

Yang: I'm sure you'd figure it out. You're not one to back down from a challenge, Blake.

Blake: But I am! I do it all the time! When you learned I was a Faunes, I didn't know what to do, so I ran! When I realized my oldest partner had become a monster, I ran! Even my semblance! I was born with the ability to leave behind a shadow of myself; an empty copy that takes the hit while I run away!

Yang: At least you three have something that drives you. I've just kinda of always, gone with the flow, y'know? And it's fine, I mean, that's who I am. But how long can I really do thay for? I wanna be a Huntress, not really because I want to he a hero, but because I want the advture. I want a life where I won't know what tomorrow will bring. And that'll be a good thing. Being a Huntress just happens to line up with that. I'm not like Ruby, she's always wanted to be a Huntress. Ever since she was a kid, she'd dreamt about being the heroes in the books. Helping people and saving the day, and never asking for anything else in return. Even when she couldn't fight, she knew that's what she wanted to do. That's why she trained so hard to get where she is today.

Weiss: Well, she's just a kid.

Blake: She's only two years younger, and Y/N is only a year older. We're all kids.

"Not anymore... look where we are. In the middle of a war zone and armed to the teeth."

Blake: It's the life we chose.

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