chapter 3

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Colin was sitting in his office when he checked his schedule and saw he only had one meeting today that was going to be in 20 minutes. Colin was very annoyed by that fact and put his feet on his desk while he waited. He got onto his phone and started texting random fans. The 20 minutes flew by and suddenly there was a knock on the door. Colin stood up when two men came into his office. "Yo guys I am Colin and I am guessing your here for the meeting." Colin said smiling. Mitch and Stuart were very annoyed because they knew about the fake accent. "Drop the fake accent now. We have serious business to talk about" Mitch said agressively. Colin looked at them very confused yet shocked. Colin gestured for them to sit as he sat down behind his desk. "How did you know?" Colin asked and Stuart awnsered quickly. "You were born in Miami and raised in Manhattan not New Jersey. You should sound like us and look like us but it seems the blonde makes you different" Colin was even more confused. "Stuart I think you have forgotten that we have not removed the cap and masks" Stuart nodded and they took everything off.

Colin was shocked beyond, his brothers came for him finally. "You finally came, after all these yea- wait mom said- she isn't is she?" Tears built in Colin's eyes and Mitch knew he had to tred carefully. "Colin we can discuss mom when we get back to the car for now we need to leave. Us even breathing after I got to Stuart was a threat"  Colin nodded and grabbed his stuff that he needed. The whole time they walked out Colin was trying to hold it together. Mitch was raised by his mom but Colin knew her as mom till the age of 9. He could not loose the hope of seeing her out in the open and that is why Mitch did'nt tell him immediatly. Once they got into the car Mitch noticed two guys walking into the building they just left. Gunshots filled the air and Mitch speed away after his brothers where secured in the car. "Who were those people, why did they do that?" Mitch sighed and handed Colin his envelope. Colin wripped it open and started to read. Tears started running down Colin's cheeks as he read their mom's letter she wrote to Mitch. He laughed about the smoking and carried on reading.

He looked at the ages and stopped at Stiles with a confused look. "I didn't know Stiles existed mom must have had him after she took me away." You hear the pain in his voice and the only person who could understand needed to be saved. Mitch nodded at the statement. Colin flipped to the next page and it said,

Dear Colin

I am sorry to show up unexpected but it was an emergency. I am sorry to tell you but mom didn't make it. Cancer got her about a month ago, I could never tell anyone about her which killed me. She held on to a picture and I realised it was all of us together. Stiles had just been born by the looks of it. I thought you and Joel can share it while you morn. I put it in the envelope, your hair is the same colour as mom's use to be. She started dyeing it when I turned 7. I miss her a lot and hope we can bond over that. I will always protect this family, I just hope you will stand by my side. We are getting Joel after we get Thomas because I do not trust Scientists as far as I can throw them. It is going to be a long trip so I got us a house to come back to in Boston. We are going to stop at a gas station where you can get as much food as you need for the next three hours.

Your younger brother

Colin broke down crying because he lost both his biological parents in one day. Stuart pulled him into a hug trying to calm him down. It worked and eventually they got to the gas station. They all three got out and chose three plastic bags full of food. A bag for each brother seemed far to them. When they paid the lady looked at them confused. "Are you triplets?" The boys shook their heads and ignored the questions she fired at them. Mitch got into the car and didn't expect Colin to hop in next to him While Stuart layed in the back on his phone. Colin took out chips he braught himself and also went on his phone. After an hour of driving Colin put his phone down.

Stuart was fast asleep in the back and Mitch checked on him every few seconds. Colin took the picture out and stared at it. "Mom looked empty the day this was taken" Colin suddenly commented. Mitch took a deep breath and muttered, "We kept her alive"  Colin was suddenly sad again. Their mom was sad and they did not know it. Colin could see the hole their father's death left in her. The emptiness that showed she needed him to survive. Mitch knew what she felt like and Colin could see it. Colin could see the longing for someone in Mitch's eyes. "Who did you lose?" Mitch froze for a second. "My fiance" Colin cringed at the pained tone he used. "Why did she die?" Mitch saw her face flash in front of him. "Terrist attack, she was shot dead in front of me." Colin felt bad for Mitch because he did not know how it felt but he could only imagen. Losing her must have felt like his heart was being wripped out of his chest. They arrived at the house and Mitch got out of the car. Colin nudged Stuart who shot up straight. Mitch went into the house and waited for Colin and Stuart to come in.

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