chapter 4

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Colin walked into the house to see Mitch pulling out a laptop and setting it on a table alongside a phone. One a table across from it was the same thing. There was a glass whiteboard in the middle of the room with markers and string ready. Stuart turned to Mitch and asked the question Colin was also curious about. "Who are we looking for next?" He asked. Mitch went to the board and wrote Thomas' name down. He then stuck his letter to the board and took a red marker to link them. He drew a line from the letter and put the words scientists and Portland Oregon on the board with question marks. "To find Thomas we need to understand what we are going against. Stuart I want you to look for any thing that happend in Portland Oregon to make the government send scientists there. When we can put a date to it we can look on social media for more information." Stuart nodded and hopped onto a computer. A few minutes later he started shaking. "I found out why, you are not going to like it" Mitch nodded and said, "Try me" Stuart turned his laptop around.

Mitch started to struggle to breath. "F**k" he said, Colin was reading the article and became very pale. Colin quickly pulled up social media on his phone and started his search. He found the scientists name and got excited. "I found them. I found the scientists name" Mitch sighed a sigh of relief. "What is their name?" Colin went to the board and wrote 'W.I.C.K.E.D'. Mitch looked at it weird. Colin hopped behind a computer and did futher research after pulling up the map of Portland Oregon. He took a maze and put it in one corner. He then took a lot of buildings and put them in the middle, then he put a walled off group of buildings at the end. Mitch looked at this very shocked because he would have never thought it looked like this. Colin then circled the group of buildings and the maze. "W.I.C.K.E.D set those monsters free but kept Thomas alive?" Stuart and Mitch rolled their eyes. "Colin maybe they thought Thomas was a special person" Mitch hinted. Colin nodded and smiled suddenly, "You stupid girl". Colin walked to the baord and put a x in the middle of the maze. "That my brothers is where Thomas is. They sent him in today" Mitch was confused till he looked on Colin's computer.

Mitch smiled and started packing weapons. Stuart got a duffel bag and started putting his clothes in there. Mitch grabbed a bag from behind Stuart and threw it at Colin. Colin groaned when it hit him. "That is new clothes so that you blend better" Colin rolled his eyes. "We leave in the morning "  Mitch said going into a room. Colin followed suit and went next door to him. Stuart looked at old videos of Thomas and laughed at his humor. The next morning Colin found Stuart passed out on the floor. Stuart quickly woke up when he realised he was not alone. Colin walked over him and put his duffel bag in the car. Stuart went to the bathroom and changed very quickly. He walked out of the bathroom and saw as Mitch walked out of the house.  He ran to catch up with them and jumped into the back after he opened the door. He closed the door and Mitch started driving. After the sun started setting Stuart looked around. It was very quiet and Colin had fallen asleep half an hour ago. Mitch was driving and looking everywhere to see if a flare would come. They had entered the danger zone and now it was like the world had died here. They left these people to die and never looked back.

Stuart watched the shadows too just incase. One of the videos that was shown to then was of a flare breaking into a car. Mitch saw the compound that they arranged to stay at and drove up to it. Military personnel surrounded the gates and slowly opened them. Once they were inside Mitch nudged Colin. Colin shot up and looked around. Mitch slid a knife towards him and pointed at a knife Stuart could take. Once they hid the weapons they got out of the car. They went inside the building and killed every scientists and gaurd well Mitch did. When Mitch got the wrong awnser he killed them but one women looked at them like they were ghosts. "Who are you?!" Mitch yelled. She flinched and said, "I am the leader of the W.I.C.K.E.D organization" Mitch pointed his gun towards her head, "Where is Thomas?" Ava looked down and weighed up her options. These people could help if she wanted them to. "He is busy with one of our trials" Stuart nodded at Colin who confirmed she was telling the truth.

Mitch pulled the trigger and walked away. Stuart and Colin followed because they knew she needed to die. They got into their car after clearing the enemies in the base. W.I.C.K.E.D was killing people and created a viruis. As they left Stuart hacked them and saw that they had cameras in the maze that was monitering them. Stuart started switching between the cameras and stopped when  Thomas' face popped up on the screen. "I have him, he looks like he found a way out" Mitch smirked. "See our brother is not dumb" Colin rolled his eyes and directed Mitch to the maze. After a few hours they found themselves speaking into a structure. Once they got inside they made sure that everyone responsible for their brother was dead. They went to the bunks that was available and fell asleep. The next morning Mitch woke up to see Stuart watching Thomas as he ran into the maze with people following him.  "He is using the exit he found today" Mitch nodded and went to wake Colin up. Once Colin was up they started strategising how to convince Thomas of who they are.

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