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She was going insane. Evangeline was losing her sanity, she was on pins and needles. Constant nightmares, and lectures from everyone for the incidents that had happened over the year. The first was the incident in the camp library when the new kids were talking about Hades and calling her weird and creepy, which caused her to accidentally attack them with shadows something she learned she could do. Then she broke Clarisse's nose during training, and Charles Beckendorf's index finger, you could say she was having a bad year.

"We have to talk about this Evelyn," Dionysus said.

"There's nothing to talk about," Evangeline looked at the god in front of her.

"I have to talk to you as much as I hate talking to you brats, we must talk about these incidents." He said, with emphasis on the word incident.

"Look, I didn't mean to break her nose," she continued, "and Charles's finger is fine," she shrugged.

"What about in the library?" He asked.

"I had a really... bad headache that day." she sat up in her chair, looking away.

"Of course you did." He rubbed the bridge of his nose, "you need to control your temper, Eleanor."

"It's Evangeline." she rolled her eyes at him.

"Whatever Elizabeth, the point is just don't break anybody else's bones" He took a sip of his diet coke, "or almost kill anybody," he added.

"Well, Clarisse should have moved her head in time." Evangeline tried to tell him as she put down her cards.

Dionysus looked at her cards and then at her, she had won. "You're a cheater, Evelyn."

"I am not a cheater!" She spoke, offended. "I'm just good at this game."

"Yes, because you cheat." He told her as he set his cards down.

She shot him a look as she completely gave up on trying to convince him. "Fine, think whatever you want."

"Elizabeth, you are the only tolerable one in this horrible place and it would be a shame to suspend you. And with the old centaur getting fired I am running out of pinochole players, even if you cheat." He mumbled the last part under his breath.

"I don't cheat!"

"The point is it would be extremely unfortunate for you to leave and... you are the only brat here that I do not completely want to turn into a dolphin."

She looked at him skeptically. "Thank you... I think."

They heard screaming and fighting coming from outside. "Now what?" he grumbled.

Evangeline went outside and saw dead Colchis bulls, Percy, Annabeth, Clarisse, and a Cyclops.

Evangeline ran up to the three demigods and the cyclops who had been let into camp. She looked the cyclops in front of her up and down. "What happened?"

"Colchis bulls," Clarisse told her wiping the soot off her forehead. "Jackson, if you can stand, get up. We need to carry the wounded back to the Big House, let Tantalus know what's happened."

"Tantalus?" he asked.

"The new activities director," Evangeline explained.

Percy blinked at her. "New? But Chiron's the activities director. And where's Argus? He's head of security. He should be here."

"Argus got sacked," Clarisse said.

"But Chiron ... He's trained kids to fight monsters for over three thousand years. He can't just be gone. What happened?"

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