Grover has a bachelor party

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Evangeline could make out an island in the distance. It was safe to say the island belonged to Polyphemus. The pastures were a bright green with tropical trees and white beaches, there was a long rope bridge that connected across a chasm.

"The fleece," Annabeth breathed out, making her way beside them.

Percy held a frown as he spoke. "If we take it away, will the island die?"

The daughter Athena shook her head, "It'll fade. Go back to what it would be normally, whatever that is."

In the meadow at the base of the ravine, several dozen sheep were milling around. Behind them, ran a path that led up into the hills and towards the top near the edge of the canyon, by the edge was an oak tree where something gold glittered in its thick and twisted branches.

"This seems too easy," Evangeline said. "We could just go up there and take it."

"There's supposed to be a guardian, right?" Percy questioned. "A dragon or..."

A deer emerged from the bushes, trotting into the meadow probably looking for something to eat. The sheep bleated at once and rushed towards it, the deer stumbled and was lost in a sea of wool and trampling hooves. A few seconds passed and the sheep all moved away, where the deer had once been was now a pile of clean white bones.

"Piranhas with wool..." Percy crossed his arms, frowning at the sheep. But something else caught Evangeline's attention, by the meadow a small boat had run around, the other lifeboat from the CSS Birmingham.

The brunette grabbed the blonde's arm and directed it towards the boat she had seen. "Look."

The children of Athena and Poseidon let out an exasperated sigh once they caught sight of the lifeboat before they began arguing about their next move. Annabeth wanted to sneak up with her invisibility cap and grab the Fleece, however, Percy managed to convince her something could go wrong.

Evangeline began growing irritated by the two of them. "I would be fine," Annabeth yelled. "I don't need you worrying about me every second!"

Percy frowned. "What does that mean?"

"You can solve your issues later, we have more important things to deal with. Like saving Grover, for example. So suck it up. Both of you." Evangeline said, she surprisingly managed to keep her temper in check.

During the journey to the cliffs, Annabeth and Percy never spoke to one another. Rather, they grumbled out the words while giving directions on where to walk or place their feet. The cliffs could barely be scaled.

The cliffs for Evangeline were a piece of cake for her. Mary had taught her how to climb walls and ropes, any way to survive, her mom taught her. She did 'slip' occasionally landing her foot on Percy's face.

She looked down."Sorry,"

"S'okay." He grunted, his voice muffled by her shoes.

After reaching the top, two out of three demigods collapsed once successfully hauling themselves over.

"Fuck," Percy groaned.

"Oh gods," Annabeth panted.

Evangeline took a deep breath the climb was surprisingly refreshing. Her hair had started falling out of the ponytail so she started tying her hair again.


The daughter of Athena crawled her way toward the ledge.. "You're a feisty one!" The deep voice bellowed.

"Challenge me!" A new voice cried, much gentler but still rough compared to the last one. "Give me back my sword and I'll fight you!"

It didn't take a genius to recognize the daughter of Ares's voice.

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