Chapter #10 🦃Thanksgiving Special🦃

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(In Pop Village🌸)

Sunny: Mommy, I Am SO Excited For Thanksgiving Dinner! 😋

Viva: I Know Right? The food is going to be so tasty! And It's Also Going to Be Nice To Make Up For All Of The Family Thanksgivings me and your Father Missed out on. 😄

Clay: *Kisses Viva's Cheek* Yep, We're All Together Now, As A Family. ☺️

Viva: 😊

Rhonda: *Is Wearing A Cute Little Pilgrim Hat* HONK! HONK! 🎩🚍

Sunny: Wow Rhonda! You Look Great! 😄👍

JD: *Is Trying To Reach For The Pudding On The Table* Ooooo! 🤩🫳

Branch: *Slaps John's Hand Away* 🫳💥

JD: OW! 😖

Branch: Not Yet John! >:( Floyd Isn't Finished Preparing The Gravy Yet!

JD: Ok, Ok. Sheesh! 🙄

Rosie: Daddy, Where's Uncle Spruce And Aunt Brandi?

Branch: They're Having Thanksgiving Dinner On Vacay Island. But they said that they will visit us later, and share some of their leftovers with us.

Rosie And JD: Mmmmm, Giant Muppet-Sized Leftovers... 🤤🤤

Floyd: *Walks By*

Poppy: Oh, Hey Floyd, How's Gravy Coming Along? 😄

Floyd: *Is Completely Covered In Gravy*

Poppy: Oh... 🫢

Floyd: I... Don't Want To talk About It... 😞

JD: *Trying His Hardest Not To Laugh* 🤭

Rosie: Don't worry Uncle Floyd, Death Note Will Help You! 😁

Death Note: GRAWWWWW! 🐲 *Licks All The Gravy Off of Floyd* 👅

Floyd: *Is Now Covered In Dragon Drool* YUCK! 🤢


(In Lonesome Flats🏜️)

Delta Dawn: Alright Everyone, Time for dessert. Who's Ready for Pumpkin Pie? 🤠🥧

Holly: WOOOHOO! 😄🙌

Hickory And Dickory: YAY! 😄🙌😄🙌

Delta Dawn: *Notices The Pie Is Missing* Wait... Where's The Pie? 😐

Delta Dawn: ...Clampers? 😑 *Crosses Her Arms*

Clampers: What? It Wasn't Me This Time Aunt Delta! I Promise! 😥

Delta Dawn: Oh Really? Then who else could it have been? 🤨

???: *Eating Noises*

Holly: What's That Sound? 😐

Hickory: I Hear It Too... 😐

Delta Dawn: *Looks Under The Table*

Gus Tumbleweed: *Stuffing His Face With The Pumpkin Pie* 🥧

Delta Dawn: Gus?! 😧

Gus Tumbleweed: I'M SO SORRY!!! I Eat When I'm Excited Ok?! 😭🥧

Delta, Holly, Clampers, Hickory, And Dickory: 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


(In Vibe City🛸)

Queen Essence: *Has Just Finished Setting The Food* Ok Everyone. Thanksgiving Dinner is ready! 😄

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