50 |Back To The Past, Dagen| Part 1

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Be in mind that Ink in his past memories he was often called Dagen ever since he was born. So, you're bound to see more of his trueborn name. Also his mother's name is Comet. Instead of using Ink!Sans' creator's name, I sort of changed it up just a bit.

You'll figure out why I did that later.

Enjoy the chapter!


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| Third person |

|Many, many years earlier
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Gods only know how far someone can go and make it to where they want to be in life. With each and every swing of their all mighty weapon that they wield. They fight the darkness, the corruption that was trying to claim the realm of the gods and great goddesses of the multi metaverse. Lingering to taint it in blood and unleash chaos.

Comet had given birth to her son. Panting heavily, gripping the side of the bed. Staring directly up at the ceiling to only feel movement of a tiny little monster in between her legs. Soon, being picked up and cleaned by not just a maid. She had white hair and pointed ears. Luna had been born to be a high elf. But, she continued her work throughout the years she has been serving underneath the king, and his kingdom; Drakus.

"It's a boy." Said Luna, cleaning the monster child of blood. Smiling toward her queen. Comet looked back at her. Eyeing the moving blanket. The child was crying, showing beautiful signs of life. Luna lowers the blanket from the child's face, peeking at him. He was crying, swaying his arms up to her. Soon, opening his eye lights. Staring directly at her with them being colored and shaped. His body was covered in birth tattoos that she has never seen before. His features took on more of his father. Due to Drake having the ability to blink once and have his eye lights change into shapes and colors.

"A boy. Perfectly fit for a crown."

Drake, Comet's husband's voice spoke through the room. Holding his love's hand in his, contently.

After so many times of them trying to have a child, Comet managed to bare his offspring. Giving life to a whole new breed. Smiling softly, letting her husband's hand go and lending her arms out toward Luna. "Give him here." She pleads, breathlessly, while the high elf looked to her in agreement. Lowering the child into her arms from her own.

"What shall be his name, your highness?" Luna asked, Drake was looking over his newborn son's features. Tracing his skull, staring briefly. His facial features seemed content. His brows rose once the child gripped his finger and squeezed with promise.

"He shall be named Dagen." Comet said, while her husband agreed. "Dagen holds promise. He will be a mighty fine prince."

| 4 years later . . |

Dagen was running through the field, chasing a deer and trying to keep up. He had grown a lot faster than any normal child. Soon coming across Artemis whose golden hind was running alongside the prince. "Be careful, Dagen. Don't hurt yourself." She spoke, following close behind.

Dagen was just beginning to know his strengths and powers as a deity prince of the realm.

His band of vials clanking in the movement. Speeding up once the golden hind went up the side of a small mountain. Chasing it further and managing to drop some of his vials on the ground to make a portal. Going through and jumping out, catching the small golden hind from behind. Tumbling down the mountain side. Laughing abruptly, "gotcha!" he spoke, loudly. And soon they were both going off a cliff into mortal realm below the mountain. Slowly falling and being caught by Hermes. Carrying them back up, "you need to be more careful. My prince. If your father found that you were falling to your doom, he wouldn't let you come to Olympus anymore." Said the messenger. Sighing softly, pushing his red hair out of his face. Dagen shrugged and smiled brightly, pointing his finger to his nose. "I'm fine, Herm." Through his laughter, stopping to come across a stressed faced father. Crossing his arms.

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