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The large van sped through the city, roaring through the quiet streets of the lower New York Area. The street lights flashed yellow, and cars sat solemnly on both sides of the road. The city seemed eerily quiet as the engine roared through the streets. Mikey's head hung out of the window, his tongue flapping about like a dog's as he smiled.

"You know, for a turtle with no license, you're doing pretty well." He complimented as he pulled his head back inside.

Donny took a sharp turn, clipping a pair of trash cans and startling a homeless man. Leo braced himself against the wall of the van, trying to keep himself from being tossed about like a rag doll.

"Still, could you take those turns a little wider?" He requested. "There aren't any seat belts back here."

"Hey, do you want pretty, or do you want effective?" Donny questioned.

"Just find a place to stash this thing." Leo replied, settling back down. "The sun's coming up soon and we're in enough trouble with Master Splinter as is."

Donny stopped at a light, looking around the intersection to see if there was any available place for them to hide their newly acquired vehicles. As he looked, Raph pulled up beside the van on his new bike, knocking on the driver's side window. Donny glanced over and rolled it down.

"Find something Raph?" he asked.

"The old Renaissance Motors garage down off 12th street." Raph declared. "It's been abandoned for a while, and there's a manhole cover right beside it."

"Good idea Raph." Leo complimented. "Let's hurry."

The van sped off the second the light turned green, following Raph's bike towards the aforementioned garage. The gates were rusted shut, and the old neon sign reading 'RENAISSANCE MOTOR COMPANY - Pride of New York' was seen in the rising sunlight. Donny rammed the gate, making short work of it and allowing the two vehicles entry. Raph hopped off the bike, approaching the door. It was chained shut, which was no surprise to any of them. Thankfully, the chains were so rusted that a single stab and a twist from Raph's sai snapped it like a twig. He pushed the door up, happily noting how empty the garage was before giving Donny a thumbs up. The purple turtle pulled the van into the garage as Raph manually pushed the bike in after it, closing the door behind him.

"Mikey, grab Hisako." Donny ordered. "Raph, help me get Leo."

"On it." the two addressed turtles replied in unison.

The orange turtle pulled Hisako from the van, cradling her gently as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Donny and Raph pulled Leo out, each of them taking an arm as they did. While they dealt with their brother, Mikey took the opportunity to look around the garage.

"You know, this place ain't that bad." he remarked. "Sure it could use some TLC, but throw a little paint on the walls, maybe a mini fridge and a couch, this could be a nice little addition to our home."

"We can worry about that later." Leo told him as Donny and Raph brought him over to his brother. "Right now, we need to be back to the sewers and Master Splinter."

"Yeah, we're probably gonna be grounded for life after tonight." Donny moaned.


Splinter sat on the couch, watching the morning news with no small amount of worry. His sons had never been this late in coming home, and the few times they were, they usually found a payphone to let him know they were okay. Glancing at the corner of the TV screen, his heart skipped slightly as he noticed the time. The sun had begun to rise, and there was still no sign of his sons, or Hisako.

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