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Leonardo slowly woke up, his entire body throbbing painfully. As he opened his eyes, he was surprised to find himself laying down on the ground in the living area of the lair. There were clean bandages around his various wounds, and an ice-pack resting on his forehead. As he laid there, his thoughts drifted back to the battle, and a gut wrenching fear suddenly coursed through his veins. He sat up violently, then immediately regretted it as both his head and his ribs screamed at him.

"Oww..." He moaned.

Hisako, who was currently bent over Raphael, turned towards Leo. Her face did not even attempt to hide the relief she felt upon seeing her brother awake.

"Leo..." She sighed, walking over to him and picking up the fallen ice pack. "Thank God you're okay."

"What happened?" he asked as Hisako eased him back onto the ground. "How did we get here?"

"I went and got Splinter." Hisako explained, putting the ice pack back on her brother's head. "We dragged you all back here."

Leo turned his head slowly, happily noting Mikey and Donny in their own make-shift futons being tended to by Master Splinter. They turtles were all banged up and slowly coming to, but they were alive. Leo sighed, turning his head away. That's when he noticed a fourth unconscious form. Blinking in confusion, Leo tried to focus on the form, then his eyes went wide.

It was the creature from the tunnels, the very creature that had nearly killed him and his brothers. Suddenly wide awake, Leo struggled to his feet, instinctively grabbing his katanas, which were lying beside him. Hisako's eyes widened as she tried to get between her brother and the creature.

"What is THAT doing here?!" he demanded, attempting to push past her and draw his katanas at the same time.

Hisako maintained her ground, planting her feet and keeping both of her hands on his plastron.

"I brought him here too." she hastily explained. "Please Leo, let me explain-"

"That thing tried to kill us Hisako!" Leo exclaimed, finally managing to get past her. "If it wakes up, who knows what it will do."

Leo raised his katana, only for Hisako to once more stand in the way. Leo barely had time to stop his swing before he struck down his sister. They met each other's eyes, Leo's cold, hard gaze meeting her desperate, pleading one.

"Move." Leo ordered.

"I won't." Hisako told him, not moving an inch. "Not until you calm down and listen to me."

Leo gritted his teeth, his grip on his katana tight enough for the wood to creak. Before the situation could escalate further, Splinter's paw came to rest on the blue turtle's shoulder.

"My son, while I sympathize with your fears surrounding this creature, I believe it would be in your best interest to hear your sister out before make such a decision." He remarked.

Leo looked back at his sensei, then at the beast, then finally back at Hisako. With a sigh, he lowered his sword, putting it back in its sheath.

"Alright Hisako, talk." He told her curtly.

Hisako let out a visible sigh of relief, then looked back at the creature. Leo watched his sister, surprised to see a look of remembrance, as well as a strong sadness that seemed to penetrate deep.

"His name is Leatherhead." she said softly, her eyes never leaving the creature. "He's my friend, the first one I ever had. He's the one who-"

Her breath hitched and her fists clenched, a sign Leo recognized all too well. She did that every time she tried to talk about her past.

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