Clash of the Council

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The atmosphere in the lair was tense all throughout the day. The siblings barely said a word, throwing themselves into their training and into ensuring their weapons were in top condition. While the teens what they could to prepare themselves, Splinter spent most of the day meditating, trying his best to calm his turbulent spirit and raging emotions. He knew that if he was to stand any chance of victory, he would need to be sound in both body and mind.

About an hour before sunset, the family sat down for dinner, nobody willing to admit it might be their last. Mikey made his famous beef stew, but barely anybody touched it at first.

"You all should eat." he insisted. "You will need your strength for the coming battle ahead of us."

Reluctantly, they all began eating, the silence broken only by spoons clinking against the bowls.

"My children," Splinter began, hoping to alleviate some of their worries."I know you five are fearful for my safety, but you must have faith."

"No offense sensei, but one Shredder almost killed you." Mikey pointed out. "And these guys..."

He didn't need to finish his sentence.

"I understand, but we have come too far to allow fear to control us." Splinter informed them. "We must be strong, not just for ourselves, but for Miwa as well."

Hisako gave a small nod.

"She's suffered enough because of Shredder." she declared. "He's gone now, and we can't let his dishonor claim her life any longer."

This steeled the turtle's resolve.

"For Miwa." Leo declared.

"For all of us." Donny reiterated.

With that, the turtles and Hisako put their hands together. Splinter's paw joined it as all of them exchanged glances.

"Shredder's reign over our family ends tonight." Raph proclaimed. "One way of the other."

They all nodded, then resumed eating.


Sunset came as the Foot High Council stood on the roof of Saki enterprises. They were all in their full armor, each with a hand on their katana hilts dangling by their sides. Kneeling in front of them, looking more than a bit nervous, was Miwa. Her hands were shaking as she looked out at the cloudy sky, a storm threatening to roll in as the grey clouds marred the fading sunlight.

"Where is Hamato Yoshi?" Chikara demanded. "It is the appointed time."

"Perhaps he has fled our judgment as he did before." Hisomi guessed.

"He truly is nothing more than a cowardly rat." Mashimi remarked.

"A rat, yes." Splinter's voice called out. "But never a coward."

The council turned to see Splinter standing in the door leading onto the roof, his five children surrounding him. Miwa's face lit up at the sight of her family, even if it was marred by a seed of fear.

"Father!" she called out.

"Release my daughter at once." Splinter demanded.

"As you wish." Juto declared.

Miwa wasted no time scrambling over to Splinter, throwing her arms around him.

"Father I am so sorry." she sobbed. "I never should have gone. This is all my fault. If I had just listened to you-"

"It is alright." Splinter interrupted, returning her hug. "You are safe. That is all that matters."

"So, the rat Shredder informed us about was none other than Hamato Yoshi himself." Kon remarked, giving Splinter a glance. "You've looked better."

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