On the Run

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In the wake of the Triceratons pulling out, Agent Bishop made a hasty exit from the U.N. building. Waiting for him was a large black trailer, unmarked save for an eagle on the side. The door slid open and he entered, greeted by the sight of several EPF techs monitoring a row of screens. Each screen showed a different view of New York, but their main focus was Time Square, and the alien wreck that lay smoking in the center of it.

"Status report." Bishop demanded.

"Air Force shot down a lone Triceraton ship that entered the atmosphere." an agent supplied. "Initial scans show multiple life forms aboard."

"Triceraton?" Bishop asked.

"No, sir." the agent answered. "Scans indicate four humanoids, and six non-humans."

Bishop stroked his chin in response.

"Must be the turtles." He deduced. "Any movement?"

"Not yet." Another agent answered. "Forces are moving in. Your orders?"

"Ensure that they are dealt with accordingly." Bishop replied. "No mistakes."


The scene of the wrecked spaceship was the center of everyone's attention. The army was moving in with weapons ready, helicopters coming in with bright spotlights shining down on the wreckage. Police cruisers cordoned off the area, people gathering at the barrier to try and get a glimpse inside.

Inside the ship, everyone was trying to pull themselves up from the crash.

"Alright, who's not dead?" Leo asked with a pained groan. "Sound off."

One by one, his brothers gave pained groans of their own. Splinter shifted some rubble off of himself, Leatherhead pushing his way through a mass as well, Hisako cradled in his arms. Mona Lisa slipped out from under the now crumbled dashboard, rubbing her face.

"We survived?" she questioned. "How?"

"My guess, by the skin of our shells." Raph chimed in.

They all convened, catching sight of their human allies. Casey and April were out cold, large gashes on their heads as they lay crumbled in a corner. Murakami was slumped over one of the seats on the ship, unmoving save for an occasion rise and fall of his chest. Hisako was still in Leatherhead's grasp, a state that greatly worried the crocodile.

"Why.... is she not... waking up?" He asked.

"She must have hit her head in the crash." Donny deduced.

"I guess we non-humanoids were tough enough to come out mostly unscathed." Mona Lisa remarked, wincing and holding her side. "Though I fear we are all in need of a medic."

"No time for that now." Leo replied. "We got company."

Spotlights shined through the broken windshield, everyone ducking down to avoid detection. Once it passed, everyone looked up again.

"We need to get out of here." Splinter insisted. "We have already lost our secret. I fear what the people of New York will do to us if we are caught."

"Then let's haul shell back to the lair." Mikey suggested.

"Uh, easier said than done." Donnie spoke up. "Four of us are down, all of us are injured, and there's an entire army out there ready to turn us into turtle soup!"

"Then our only hope is to separate." Splinter decided.

"Split up?" Raph let out. "Sensei, no offense, but there's no way we can take these guys on our own. Not the way we are now."

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