Just the Start

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Waking up in a somewhat dazed confusion, Wolf knew this was her room but this was not her jacket. She unzipped the dirty, tattered, navy blue jacket. The jacket smelled rugged and like it hadn't been washed in serval months. Holding the jacket up, looking at if from the inside, there was a decent sized rip on the lower back and some smaller ones on the end of the sleeves. She saw a note sticking out of the left pocket. 

'wash' was scribbled on and a date followed it, the note was a little over a week old. She deiced she would wash it and return it to the owner, but who was that. 

The events of last night were all a messy blur after she ran from Spy's room. She got a whiff of the jacket again, she recognized the sent now, it was Sniper's. She only knew his, and the other teammates', because of how close he had gotten to her during training. His sent was the only one, other than Spy's now, that she could accurately pin point. This was a likely reason for her nickname. She grabbed the sewing kit from out of her closet and got to work. When she had finished you could barely tell there were ever holes in it to begin with. 

She grabbed her own laundry before heading out. She went out the front of the base, luckily all the guys were working out right about now. There was a small house like building attached to the right side of the main building, a clothing line was strung up outside of it. Another Larger mini-warehouse type of building was at the back of the base, that was Engi's work shop. She walked into the smaller building, there were washing and drying machines. 

The only reason for the clothing line outside was because Spy preferred to hang dry his cloths, but there wasn't much room in the small building for him to hang them inside. She opened one of the washers and loaded it. She waited there drawing on her left arm with a pen she had found on the ground. The washing had ended and now loaded the dryer and began to draw on her right arm. By the time the laundry had completely finished there was blue ink running from the back of her fingers to her elbow on both arms.

She took the laundry back to her room as quickly as possible. Folding her pants and under garments, and hung up her shirts. She took the brown jacket, that once belonged to her father, and sprayed a bit of his old cologne on the inside, and hung it on the chair. She took Sniper's Blue jacket folded it up nicely and set it on her desk. She grabbed her phone, which needed to be charged, and read the time, '9:30' she was going to wait for the guys to go to training so she could talk with Sniper privately and to not have anyone, mostly just Scout, make a big deal out of this simple gesture.


'12:30' The guys have already parted and got to training. Wolf grabbed Sniper's jacket and set off. Once out of the base she followed a path that led to a vantage point that Sniper surveyed at during training. During her trek she rehearsed what she would say to him. 

'Hey thanks for whatever it was that you did last night, heres your jacket...oh how did I know it was yours well-' she cut herself off, sighing in defeat. 

When she got to the point she held her breath and... nothing? He wasn't there, where the hell was he then? she walked back to the base and only now realized that his camper wasn't there, she was now puzzled more then before, did she miss a memo or something. She walked back to her room set down the jacket and grabbed her mask, then set off to Engi's workshop.

"Hey, Engi!" Wolf exclaimed, opening and knocking on the door.

"Well ain't this a sight for sore eyes." Engi said, "Glad to see ya doing well after, last night." Great so it wasn't just Sniper that saw her like that.

"You- wouldn't happen to know where Sniper was, would you?"

"He mentioned something about filling up and doing some servicing on his camper, I offered to do it but he said he wanted a mechanic to take care of it," Engi muttered something under his breath. "What d' ya need from him?"

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