The Experience

19 1 0

(A/N: there are depictions of blood and death)


Saturday 8:00 am

The team was packing up the gear into Engi's pick-up. Guns, ammo, melees, and other tools. They had been called to their first mission since Wolf got hired. Engi drove his truck and Pyro tagged along. Medic drove an old ambulance, stripped of the siren and repainted with Medic's symbol on the side, Spy would go with him; mainly because he didn't like being in the dirty van with the others. Sniper, of course, had his camper and Scout would rather ride in the musty camper than in the, barely ever cleaned, van with the other guys.

Wolf had finished packing up and helping to secure the supplies on the back of the truck. Engi started the engine and started to roll out, he had to leave first so that the supplies would be ready for them when they arrived to the other base. Riding with Engi and Pyro wasn't an option any more, and there were only two seats in Medic ambulance. Looking at her choices:

Ride in a van packed with sweaty, loud men...'yeah no thanks.'


Ride with Scout and Sniper in his van... 'I'll take my chances.'

Wolf walked up to the camper, readjusting her katanas and bag, and strolled up to the passenger side window.

"What's up Sweetheart?" Scout said through the open window

"Got room for one more?" She responded crossing her arms on the open window.

"Gotta talk to Snipes bout it." Scout retorted

Wolf pivoted as the sound of dirt and rocks crunching behind her grew closer.

"S' fine with me." Sniper said looking at the two, "You'll just 'ave t' hang on."

Sniper went to unlock the back door for Wolf. She followed him with a hop to her step. Once inside he closed the door and locked it again. She found a seat behind the driver side seat. Maybe at one point there was a seat belt that went to it, but that was no longer the case. She sat down, rummaged through her bag and pulled out her phone. Only a couple minutes later Sniper got in and started up the van.


An hour into the long ride, Scout started to grumble and complain.

"God Snipes," Scout blurted out, "We've been sittin in silence for the past hour, how could an'one possibly do this."

"Ya could have left the radio on." Sniper responded blankly.

"There wasn't anythin good." Scout sighed and slumped into his seat, with his feet on the dash.

"Hey got an Aux?" Wolf interjected

"Think dis is it" Scout held up the end of a cord that stuck into plug near the stereo.

Wolf plugged it into the phone and scrolled to one of her playlists.

"Here." She said hitting play. A kind of rock music roared through the speakers of the van.

Scout sat up looked at her, shot her a seeming confused smile and looked back out the main window. After a couple of songs both Scout and Wolf began head banging and rock out, with all their soul, to the songs. She was surprised that scout knew any of these songs. Occasionally Sniper would bob his head or tap the wheel along with beat of the song.


Once at the base everyone was making their way out of the vehicles and inside, stretching along the way. There was a main room similar to the one of the main base, just much smaller and less cozy, and there was a set of double doors that led to a large locker room, just across from the main door. There was another set of double doors, off to the left  side from the main door, that closed off a small medical bay from the rest of the room.

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