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The camper was quiet the entire trip. Other than Scout trying to make a beat, either by humming, making random noises, or taping his fingers on the dash. By the time they got back to base the others were already unloading Engineer's pick-up. Wolf didn't waste any time grabbing her duffle bag and heading to her room.

She threw open the door to her room , flung her bags and katanas on her bed, and locked the door. She sat on her bed for a minute rubbing her face, and running through the events of the past 24 hours. Wolf decided to take a shower and get the blood residue and smell out. First she emptied the duffle bag and put the cloths in the laundry basket. Then picked out a band tee and some sweatpants, setting them on her bed. Walking to the bathroom she made sure the blinds to the small window were shut then she undressed.

Right Infront of the door to bathroom is the sink and mirror. On the same wall is the toilet and across from it was a towel rack. At the end of the small room was a basic shower, it was tiled with a small lip to keep the water from spilling out. There was a solid white shower curtain, cutting the shower off from the rest of the small room, that Wolf had put in herself. She grabbed the towels from an open shelf under the sink and hung them on the rack. As the shower turned on she waited for it warm up by getting her lotion and deodorant ready for when she was done.

Testing the water, she adjusted the temperature only slightly then got in. She stood under the water and let the warmth release all the built up tension in her neck and shoulders. She bent down and grabbed the razor that sat next to her bodywash and shampoo. She shaved all the pitted areas of her body, the areas that held the most sweat, but left the rest of her body alone. Setting down the razor and picking up the bodywash, she lathered on the generic, non-scented, soap. She watched the soap swirl around the drain and looked at her side where the bullet had hit her, not having a new scar was baffling to her. She bent down and grabbed the shampoo and began massaging her scalp.

Turning off the water, grabbing her towel, and stepping out she dried off her arms and tucked the towel to stay. She put on her deodorant first, then the lotion. As she rubbed in the lotion she caressed the scars that she didn't dare tell anyone about, whether it was the fear of judgement or of worrying others. She hated being treated as "fragile".

Sighing she whispered to herself, "A new day brings new opportunities." 

She turned off the lights to the bathroom and continued drying her body, and hair, as she walked to her bed. She threw the towels by the basket and put on her band tee, socks and shorts. 

As she walked over to the desk to put on her black, fingerless, gloves there was a knock at the door. She quickly put her gloves and mask on and unlocked the door. She paused before opening it, she was hoping that whoever it was wasn't going to bring up: her panic attack or what happened this morning. Opening the door she was pleasantly surprised.

'Hello' Pyro signed gleefully

"Hey there!" Wolf smiled and leaned against the door frame, arms crossed.

'Would you like to play games with us' Pyro held their arms to their chest waiting in anticipation.

"Sure, where should I join you?" Wolf asked standing up

'R-E-C' Pyro spelled, 'see you there' They turned and skipped away down the hall.

Wolf grabbed her coat, phone, room key, and put her shoes on. She wanted to make sure her room was locked up tight this time before venturing off. Walking into the familiar hall, she looked at the large wooden doors. Inhaling her anxiety and exhaling sharply, knowing that this was not her destination. She turned to her right and went through the single metal door into the rec room. 

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