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Sniper panicked as Wolf went limp in his arms. He quickly slung off her katana casings and made sure she wouldn't snag on anything, then lifted her up. He rushed to the main entrance holding her tightly. He cursed under his breath at how slow the main door opened.

The sound of the main door opening alerted Engineer, Scout and Pyro who were all in the main room.

"Must be the duo," Engi announced.

"Back from their little 'date'." Scout mocked, laughing more for himself than for the others.

Snipers footsteps were fast and loud, startling the others. Scout got up and walked toward the main hall.

"Whoa, what's the hur-" Scout was cut off by Sniper rushing past him. He was only able to catch a glimpse of the unmoving Wolf.

"DOC!" Sniper yelled, urgency in his tone.

The three others followed in concern trying to ask what was going on as they all rushed down to the Med-bay.

"Was ist die Bedeutung davon?" Medic exclaimed as they all burst through the door. Seeing the girl in this state, he got up as fast as possible to grab Wolf.

"Sh-She'll be alright..." Scout stammered, "Right Doc?"

"Vell we 'ave ze main respawn." Medic answered, fixing his glasses after setting Wolf on one of the beds, "So if any zing happen-"

"Bout that," Engi muttered, "Bout an hour or so ago I found the main respawn slashed up and the wires were all messed up."

"Ya can fix though?" Sniper blurted.

"Well yes, but..." Engi paused, trying to find the right words, "It'll take a couple of days, it was busted up big time."

"What 'bout da others?" Scout questioned.

"Nope, we're out 'a range," Engi corrected, "They've got a small circumference around them and besides most of 'em are all shut down right 'bout now. I'll get 't working on it though, c'mon Pyro." Pyro followed hesitantly not wanting to leave just yet.

"Vell then." Medic said, pulling some equipment out of cabinets and setting it on the counter, "Vould you both leave so zat I can verk."

Sniper stood arms crossed in defiance.

"C'mon Snipes," Scout grabbed his arm slightly pulling him toward the exit, "We gotta let the doc do what he needs 't."

Sniper relaxed his tense muscles and followed Scout out as Medic continued setting up his supplies. In the main room Scout beckoned for Snipers to sit on the couch with him. He did so but couldn't sit still, he was restless and panicked adrenaline still rushing through him.

"What exactly happened?" Scout asked, noticing how shaken Sniper seemed.

"Oi don't-" Sniper muttered, seeming to finally be able to breath, "Oi don't, really know... or, well... understand."

"Well, tell me what ya do know then ." Scout responded calmly. Sniper grabbed Wolf's mask out of his pocket and held it in front of him as he talked.

"First she stole my hat," Sniper thought aloud, "In the chase Oi dropped my sunnies, and went to look for 'em." He tensed up, like her was kicking himself for having her stay at the camper alone. Maybe he thought she would head inside or follow him in rebellion.

"Then Oi came back and there were five of 'em around 'er..." Sniper paused as his blood seemed to boil, "The large bloke picked her up and I shot. Got one of the little buggers, then another one took me by surprise from up high." He sighed forcing himself to calm down, "Long story short their bodies are outside."

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