Book 2

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Snowflake’s pov

I felt myself being consumed by black, and wherever I fucken am, is surprisingly soft, and comfortable. I feel deaf, it felt like I was outside of whatever I was in before which is great! ‘Hopefully I can talk to Allumos later.’

Momiji’s pov

A person came out of gods know where. All of us were shocked to say the least. They didn’t have the aura of a demigod; they didn’t have an aura at all. ‘How did a mortal get here for gods’ sake?’

“They seem strange, they don’t have any power or even life aura.” I say, all stare at me, I was a little sad.

“Well, let’s talk to them after they wake up.” Set spoke suddenly.

“They may have a demon, by that time,” Brandeen pitched in, staring at the individual.

Chapter 1

Snowflake’s pov

/It has been an hour/

‘It’s not black!’ I smile happily but my smile faded after my vision started too fully clear. I could spot a figure with fox ears and tails, a red winged figure with red eyes, a black winged figure wearing gold and black clothing, a purple winged figure with a strange sword the same colour as them, and an outer space looking figure.

“Where am I and who are you?” My question seemed to be astonished most of them. ‘Glitch, please explain a bit of how I got here?’ +Maybe later, Snow+ I look at the figures waiting for answers.

“I am Momiji,” Momiji answered my question, I could tell she was unsure if I was trustworthy.

“Brandeen, you might meet Daveed later,” I stared at Brandeen, ‘He looks similar to Jupiter, hopefully Daveed isn’t like Zaine.’

“Drannus,” the black winged person replied after Brandeen, the aura of doom surrounds them.

“I am the Seductive Rose,” they say their voice echoing.

“Who are you?” I glare at the outer space figure, who did return the glare.

“Set, nice to meet you,” my body felt like freezing, ‘Set, the one who killed Inmo.’ My mind shattered.

“G-get aw-ay!” I stuttered on my words scared of him, wanting to freeze the ground, and run. ‘I really should get away.’ My thought echoed making me, more scared.

“You should leave now.” A voice said from a from a person with glowing teal hair.

“Cal, wait up!” A person with jackal ear and tails like Momiji’s just black with red tips.

“Sorry, Inpu.” Cal apologised, giving Inpu some water as I feel myself blackout again.

Chapter 2

3rd person

Meanwhile in Fairy Tale Origins, a day has passed, and Nix is still trying to find anyone though everyone is too busy, but 1 dragon slayer noticed Snowflake’s absence. Mori sprinted to Grimshade wanting answers.

Mori’s pov

‘Running to Grimshade is annoying and I should talk to Jericho and ask him my question first then continue on.’ My mind spoke though I am not too far, now. ‘I am at Grimshade, I should ask him.’ I teleport inside, ‘I should have done this to begin with.’ I thought mentally slapping myself.

“Mori, what do you need?” I jump at bit and spin having my guard up only to see Jericho. My guard when down a bit after seeing him.

“Do you know where Snow is?” I questioned holding back a shout. I begin to pace around the space clearly concerned.

“No, I haven’t seen her, though I am sure, she is fine,” Jericho tried to reassure me though it didn’t work or help.

“I am just concerned, I don’t want her hurt,” I answer halting my pacing, ‘Should I tell him?’

“I know I don’t think anyone wants the bean hurt though we should talk to the rest of Grimshade,” He told me, ‘I guess I ask everyone at once.’ We walked to their Guild Hall, and everyone was surprised to see me, of course not every day you see a member of Devil’s Tongue with their guard down, kind of. ‘Snowflake, better be okay.’ That was my only concern, her not being okay.

“Has anyone seen Flake since yesterday?” My question caused confused and realising faces.

“No,” all the guild members answered me, I am way too close to snapping.

“None of you, none of you know where my daughter is!” I snapped everyone has a shocked look on their face and Jericho pulled me into a hug, he too looked surprised and shocked. His hug calmed me down a bit, but I couldn’t help giving Allumos and Viper a glare of hatred. ‘I should try to find her and if anyone has done anything to her, I am killing them no matter who.’

Chapter 3

Kira’s pov

/In OoO/

Inpu and Cal entered as I took control acting like my usual self towards them. Her blindfold was freezing over, though it was hard to detect, and I threw a dagger at Set, it missed barely as it hits the wall with a tiny amount of Set’s blood on the tip.

“What was that?” yelled Cal right beside where my dagger landed.

“I was aiming for Set,” I spoke, all seem shocked about her going from scared to fine towards being near Set.

“Oh, why is that?” Set questioned, +No violence+ Snow and Yang yelled at me. It was difficult to leave the god of chaos unharmed for what he did, but I listened.

“You killed Inmo!” I yelled-shouted causing my tail to show because I was extremely bothered and it slapped the floor in anger, which was undiscovered by all, I think.

“That was not my doing, that was Cal’s,” Set answered pinning the blame.

“You focused him too, and you threatened to kill Momiji, if he did choose!” I replied with a yell and venom at the god as the blindfold was nearly completely covered in translucent ice.

“You’re blindfold,” Cal pointed out causing me to take a breather to try to calm down and the translucent ice declined in size, being above my ears now.

“We should leave all four of us lets go back to camp.” Inpu said gesturing to Momiji, Cal and me. I followed behind them.

“Hey, do you trust me, Cal?” Momiji asked him.

“I do, but I won’t say it.” Cal replied to Momiji, ‘Oh right saying you trust her would let her take away your magic.’ I thought following behind them, still glad Giani told us that as Yang and I stopped viewing this dimension after Inmo’s death so 2 days ago maybe.

Chapter 4

/In FTO/

Inmo’s pov

I was walking around Adlandtide, but I accidentally bumped into someone.

“Sorry, Inmo,” Nix told me as I looked up.

“It’s okay and I am sorry too, Nix,” I replied as I took Nix’s hand to help me get up.

“Hey, Inmo are you busy since this is important,” Nix said to me.

“No, I’m not busy,” I reply to Nix as he sighs in relief and takes me somewhere.

“So, someone isn’t busy, Nix?” the bearded man asked Nix.

“Yes, Inmo isn’t busy, and we should probably explain it to him.”

“Good point, well Inmo, I am Abraham and you already now Nix, I am assuming.”

“Yes, I already now Nix now explain.”

“Well, we saw Flake tripped into a rift portal thing, Nix tried grabbing her hand but when he couldn’t he slipped a tracking lacrama so we could find her, but she hasn’t moving from the spot that thing was at,” Abraham explained to me which caused me to start pacing as I realised where it took her.

Chapter 5

/In OoO/

Kira’s pov

We arrived at the camp, and I stuck with the group still at the back and wanting to ask one of them to explain things to me not realising Set was watching. We arrived at a pyramid and Momiji separated. -+Snow, do you want control?-+ Yeah, I heard her reply excited as we are somewhere else. I went inside and sat on their couch, and I saw everything go black then had a small amount of colour again.

Snowflake’s pov

‘This place is really cool.’ I’m lost in my thoughts as I walk into a place with white houses?

“Hi, my name is Lychee yes like the fruit, anyway, why are you in this camp?” I hear from behind me. I turn around to see a white haired and red eyed person.

“Oh, my name is Snow, Lychee and I just found it and went in seeing it would be safer,” I reply to him with a smile.

“Okay, just don’t get in my way.” He said in a suspicious tone.

“Okay!” I say with excitement and a gentle smile. I wave bye to him and go sit by a small tree.

Chapter 6

/In FTO/

Inmo’s pov

“I am going to go to Divinus and get some more help,” I tell the two as I run off ending up beneath where the guilds have their meetings. I leave and run to the docks but bump into someone on the way.

“I am so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” I say helping them and they hug me?

Mori’s pov

‘I was hugging them, I couldn’t help it Snowflake has been gone for another day, and I still can’t find her.’ I started to cry hiding my face from them by having it pointed at the ground.

“Hey, hey, shh it’s okay.”

“No, it’s not,” I respond still crying as they start to hug back. I see my brother’s tail causing me to loosen my grip.

“You feel better?”

“Yeah, thank you,” I reply with a smile, as I look up at Inmo and he has a look of shock on his face.

“Brother!” he yells in shock as we are both at the docks.

“Yeah, have you seen Snow?”

“No, sorry, I am going to Divinus Magia to ask them,” he replies to my question making me a little sad.

“Can I come though I might snap again...”

“Yes, she’s your daughter and what do you mean again?”

“I snapped at Grimshade after no one knew she wasn’t there even,” I reply still bothered about the guild leaders not realising.

“Okay, and we get them to ask the other guilds in a meeting if Divinus doesn’t know.”

“Yeah, and I may go poof after snapping.”

“I expect nothing less and we will find your daughter.”

“She is your niece.”

“Ya, ya, let’s go but you go poof there cause of boat being the only transport.”

“Okay, see you there,” I answer poofing to Divinus Magia’s docks, and I hide waiting for the boat to arrive.

Chapter 7

/In OoO/

Giani’s pov

Snow has been relaxing for a few minutes, and most campers have assumed she is asleep. She may find out who her father is.

“Who are you?” A voice asks casing me to get scared.

“Oh, um...”

“Answer the question,” they say with sass at me.

“No,” Khonsu gets annoyed at me as he gets Cal to enter the coriander of time.

Cal’s pov

“Khonsu?” I ask looking at him and spot something behind him.


“What?” I say looking at the figure.

“I am not a thing, Cal.”

“How do you know his name!” Khonsu yells.

“1, I can read minds and 2, I do research, Khonsu.”

“Leave!” Khonsu shouts at them.

“Sure, name’s Giani, Cal,” they state to me before glitching out as Khonsu looks at me in confusion.

“Do research on that name and update on Set,” Khonsu tells me.

“Sure and Set still doesn’t know.”

“Keep an eye on that new camper, you brought in too.”

“Sure, why?” I ask and see my room after asking.

Chapter 8

3rd person

Back with Inmo and Mori as everyone in the guild was busy or on a quest, they just looked still unable to find any rifts or something in someone leading to Snowflake. This has been happening for a week and we are going to see them ask a civilian.

Mori’s pov

Inmo knocks on the door and the prisoner comes out. ‘She excepted and still isn’t in a guild okay good move.’ She starts to back away while seeing me.

“I am not going to take you back and you are smart for not being in a guild yet.”

“Thanks, and I feel I should join Divinus Magia.”

“Okay, but you should expect Devil’s tongue then.”

Blake’s pov

“Yeah, I figured, and um why are you here?” I ask and the other person looks at me will Mori looks down at the floor.

“1, Inmo apart of Divinus Magia and 2, we are looking for Snow have you seen her?” They ask.

“No, not recently though she is really nice, and I think I saw,” I try to say then something comes under me, but Inmo grabs my hand but falls in too...

“Mori get to Divinus Magia now and ask them,” Inmo yells at Mori and he hears us but can’t do anything as we start to black out and it closes.

Chapter 9

Xylo’s pov

Two people fell from the sky where a white cut was. I run over to them seeing a person with dark indigo hair and the other has a purple devil tail.

“Where are we?” they, both ask me confused.

“You’re in Camp Oasis, and-”

“I’m back here,” the purple tailed one states as the other blinks at him as they both have a weak aura.

“What are your names and what do you mean again?” My final question seems to make the purple tailed one lower their head a bit.

“My name is Blake, nice to meet you um.”

“Xylo, son of Hades,” I reply to Blake.

“Um, my name is Inmo, and it’s nice seeing you again Xylo,” the other mutters.

“Inmo, but Cal stabbed you!” I yell as Inmo looks at me.

“Well um surprise I am now a counterpart of myself.”

/This is like the Inmo in Fairy Tail Demigods by DragneelHearts, so go check out their book if you want to/

/Sorry if it's short and getting you confused/

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