Incorrect quotes 2

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/I am doing a daycare academy version/

Goldy: *doesn't leave her room*

Everyone: Tina, what did you do?


Ryan: Hi guys!

Goldy: Hi Ryan.

Ryan: Where is everyone?

Tina: Cutie, it's the holidays.


Titanium (Ryan): How can I help Unicorn?

Unicornmann: Talk to Goldy.

Titanium (Ryan): What did she do?

Goldy: Get over here now!

Unicornmann: Listen to her. She's pissed.

Titanium (Ryan): I thought we were dealing with Goldy, not Tina.

Goldy: I will pull you by the fucken ear soon.

Everyone: Who the hell are you!?


Goldy: *Enters class looking like the image*

Tina: Is that your boyfriend's?

Goldy: Nope, and why are you here?

Unicornmann: Good, and Tina has detention.

Ryan: Somehow, I didn't.

Goldy: How, just how?


Nova: I'm a demon!

Everyone except Goldy and Drew: What!

Goldy: Who could have guessed.

Drew: I already knew that, and Goldy, how do you know that?

/I'm only doing 5 quotes cause I want to watch the roleplay now/

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